triangle wave organ with variable slope for norns & shbobo shnth
note: you'll have to restart norns after installing this script in order for the engine to install
E1: master chaos (circular FM)
E2: master rise time
E3: master fall time
K1: hold for fine tuning
K2: alt behavior for E2 & E3
K3: alt behavior for E2 & E3
K2 + E2: bar 0 time (pitch)
K2 + E3: bar 1 time (pitch)
K3 + E2: bar 2 time (pitch)
K3 + E3: bar 3 time (pitch)
master rise + master fall + bar time = pitch
shnth minors halve the time of their corresponding bars
shnth majors double the time of their corresponding bars
chaos, master rise, master fall, and each bar's time can be modulated with LFOs in the parameters menu