Docker-laravel is a LEMP base image for running Laravel web applications. It is loosely inspired by phusion/baseimage-docker.
Required and optional packages are bundled into a single container, based on Ubuntu 14.04 server.
These services run with process supervision, using Supervisor:
- nginx
- php5-fpm (with php5-mcrypt, php5-mysqlnd, and php5-curl)
- mysql-server
- openssh-server
- cron
- beanstalkd
Additionally, these services can optionally be enabled for process supervision (see below):
- artisan queue:listen
- selenium server (for testing, not production)
These packages are preinstalled:
- nodejs with npm
- nano
- git
- php5-cli
- mysql-client
- composer
- curl
- phantomjs
- wkhtmltopdf
- php5-xdebug (installed, but disabled by default, see below)
- python (*dependency for supervisord)
- default-jre (*dependency for Selenium server)
1. Download the public Docker image from Dockerhub:
docker pull mtmacdonald/docker-laravel:1.4.0
2. Run the Docker image as a new Docker container:
docker run -d \
-p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 3306:3306 \
-v /home/app:/share \
--restart=always \
--name=appname \
Replace '/home/app' with the path to the Laravel application's root directory in the host. This directory is a shared volume and so can be used to access the application files in either the host or the container.
Development use (insecure)
Docker-laravel ships with SSH server for accessing a terminal inside the container. For convenience, it is preconfigured with an insecure key that should be replaced for production use. To connect with the insecure key:
1. Fetch the insecure SSH key:
cd /home/
curl -o insecure_key -fSL
chown `whoami` insecure_key
chmod 600 insecure_key
2. Find the I.P. address of the container:
docker inspect container_name | grep IPA
3. Connect with SSH:
ssh -i /home/insecure_key root@<IP address>
Production use
For production, replace the insecure private key with a true private key:
1. In the host, generate a new public-private key pair (enter 'production.key') when prompted:
cd /home
sudo ssh-keygen -t rsa
sudo chmod 644 production.key
There should then be two new files in the /home directory: i) production.key ii)
2. Copy to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys in the container. Note this is an overwrite, not an append (so all previously valid keys, including insecure_key will be removed).
cat /home/ | ssh -i /home/insecure_key root@<IP address> "cat > /root/.ssh/authorized_keys"
3. Connect with SSH:
ssh -i /home/production.key root@<IP address>
supervisorctl can be used to control the processes that are managed by supervisor.
In the container:
Laravel is not bundled in the Docker image. Laravel, or your own application, need to be installed manually:
In the container:
cd /share
git clone .
composer install
The queue listener (php artisan queue:listen) can be added as supervised process by uncommenting the lines in /etc/supervisord/queue.conf (in the container).
Selenium server (for automated headless browser testing with PhantomJS) is installed but does not run by default. Uncomment the lines in /etc/supervisord/selenium.conf to add selenium as a supervised process.
The XDEBUG PHP extension is installed but not enabled by default. To enable it, uncomment the lines in /etc/php5/mods-available/xdebug.ini.