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A forked refreshing JavaScript Datepicker — lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS, just like Pikaday


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A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker

  • Lightweight (less than 5kb minified and gzipped)
  • No dependencies (but plays well with Moment.js)
  • Modular CSS classes for easy styling

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Production ready? Since version 1.0 Pikaday is a stable and battle tested date-picker. Pikarange is forked from it and offers added features. Feel free to use it however you like but please report any bugs or feature requests to the GitHub issue tracker. Also see the changelog


npm install pikarange


Pikarange can be bound to an input field:

<input type="text" id="datepicker">

Add the JavaScript to the end of your document:

<script src="pikarange.js"></script>
    var picker = new Pikarange({ field: document.getElementById('datepicker') });

If you're using jQuery make sure to pass only the first element:

var picker = new Pikarange({ field: $('#datepicker')[0] });

If the Pikarange instance is not bound to a field you can append the element anywhere:

var field = document.getElementById('datepicker');
var picker = new Pikarange({
    onSelect: function(date) {
        field.value = picker.toString();
field.parentNode.insertBefore(picker.el, field.nextSibling);

For advanced formatting load Moment.js prior to Pikaday: See the moment.js example for a full version.

<input type="text" id="datepicker" value="9 Oct 2014">

<script src="moment.js"></script>
<script src="pikarange.js"></script>
    var picker = new Pikarange({
        field: document.getElementById('datepicker'),
        format: 'D MMM YYYY',
        onSelect: function() {
            console.log(this.getMoment().format('Do MMMM YYYY'));


As the examples demonstrate above Pikaday has many useful options:

  • field bind the datepicker to a form field
  • trigger use a different element to trigger opening the datepicker, see trigger example (default to field)
  • bound automatically show/hide the datepicker on field focus (default true if field is set)
  • position preferred position of the datepicker relative to the form field, e.g.: top right, bottom right Note: automatic adjustment may occur to avoid datepicker from being displayed outside the viewport, see positions example (default to 'bottom left')
  • reposition can be set to false to not reposition datepicker within the viewport, forcing it to take the configured position (default: true)
  • container DOM node to render calendar into, see container example (default: undefined)
  • format the default output format for .toString() and field value (requires Moment.js for custom formatting)
  • formatStrict the default flag for moment's strict date parsing (requires Moment.js for custom formatting)
  • defaultDate the initial date to view when first opened
  • setDefaultDate make the defaultDate the initial selected value
  • firstDay first day of the week (0: Sunday, 1: Monday, etc)
  • minDate the minimum/earliest date that can be selected (this should be a native Date object - e.g. new Date() or moment().toDate())
  • maxDate the maximum/latest date that can be selected (this should be a native Date object - e.g. new Date() or moment().toDate())
  • disableWeekends disallow selection of Saturdays or Sundays
  • disableDayFn callback function that gets passed a Date object for each day in view. Should return true to disable selection of that day.
  • yearRange number of years either side (e.g. 10) or array of upper/lower range (e.g. [1900,2015])
  • showWeekNumber show the ISO week number at the head of the row (default false)
  • pickWholeWeek select a whole week instead of a day (default false)
  • isRTL reverse the calendar for right-to-left languages
  • i18n language defaults for month and weekday names (see internationalization below)
  • yearSuffix additional text to append to the year in the title
  • showMonthAfterYear render the month after year in the title (default false)
  • showDaysInNextAndPreviousMonths render days of the calendar grid that fall in the next or previous months to the current month instead of rendering an empty table cell (default: false)
  • numberOfMonths number of visible calendars
  • mainCalendar when numberOfMonths is used, this will help you to choose where the main calendar will be (default left, can be set to right). Only used for the first display or when a selected date is not already visible
  • events array of dates that you would like to differentiate from regular days (e.g. ['Sat Jun 28 2017', 'Sun Jun 29 2017', 'Tue Jul 01 2017',])
  • theme define a classname that can be used as a hook for styling different themes, see theme example (default null)
  • blurFieldOnSelect defines if the field is blurred when a date is selected (default true)
  • onSelect callback function for when a date is selected
  • onOpen callback function for when the picker becomes visible
  • onClose callback function for when the picker is hidden
  • onDraw callback function for when the picker draws a new month
  • closeOnClick controls so that the calendar does not closes after getting value
  • showRangeOnHover toogle the range hover style

jQuery Plugin

The normal version of Pikarange does not require jQuery, however there is a jQuery plugin if that floats your boat (see plugins/pikarange.jquery.js in the repository). This version requires jQuery, naturally, and can be used like other plugins: See the jQuery example for a full version.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="pikarange.js"></script>
<script src="plugins/pikarange.jquery.js"></script>

// activate datepickers for all elements with a class of `datepicker`
$('.datepicker').pikarange({ firstDay: 1 });

// chain a few methods for the first datepicker, jQuery style!
$('.datepicker').eq(0).pikarange('show').pikarange('gotoYear', 2042);


AMD support

If you use a modular script loader than Pikarange is not bound to the global object and will fit nicely in your build process. You can require Pikarange just like any other module. See the AMD example for a full version.

require(['pikarange'], function(Pikarange) {
    var picker = new Pikarange({ field: document.getElementById('datepicker') });

The same applies for the jQuery plugin mentioned above. See the jQuery AMD example for a full version.

require(['jquery', 'pikarange.jquery'], function($) {

CommonJS module support

If you use a CommonJS compatible environment you can use the require function to import Pikaday.

var pikarange = require('pikarange');

When you bundle all your required modules with Browserify and you don't use Moment.js specify the ignore option:

browserify main.js -o bundle.js -i moment

Ruby on Rails

If you're using Ruby on Rails, make sure to check out the Pikaday gem.


You can control the date picker after creation:

var picker = new Pikarange({ field: document.getElementById('datepicker') });

Get and set date


Returns the selected date in a string format. If Moment.js exists (recommended) then Pikarange can return any format that Moment understands, otherwise you're stuck with JavaScript's default.


Returns a basic JavaScript Date object of the selected day, or null if no selection.


Set the current selection. This will be restricted within the bounds of minDate and maxDate options if they're specified. You can optionally pass a boolean as the second parameter to prevent triggering of the onSelect callback (true), allowing the date to be set silently.


Returns a Moment.js object for the selected date (Moment must be loaded before Pikarange).

picker.setMoment(moment('14th February 2014', 'DDo MMMM YYYY'))

Set the current selection with a Moment.js object (see setDate for details).

Change current view

picker.gotoDate(new Date(2014, 1))

Change the current view to see a specific date. This example will jump to February 2014 (month is a zero-based index).


Shortcut for picker.gotoDate(new Date())


Change the current view by month (0: January, 1: Februrary, etc).

picker.nextMonth() picker.prevMonth()

Go to the next or previous month (this will change year if necessary).


Change the year being viewed.


Update the minimum/earliest date that can be selected.


Update the maximum/latest date that can be selected.


Update the range start date. For using two Pikarange instances to select a date range.


Update the range end date. For using two Pikarange instances to select a date range.

Show and hide datepicker


Returns true or false.

Make the picker visible.


Recalculate and change the position of the picker.


Hide the picker making it invisible.


Hide the picker and remove all event listeners — no going back!


The default i18n configuration format looks like this:

i18n: {
    previousMonth : 'Previous Month',
    nextMonth     : 'Next Month',
    months        : ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'],
    weekdays      : ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'],
    weekdaysShort : ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat']

You must provide 12 months and 7 weekdays (with abbreviations). Always specify weekdays in this order with Sunday first. You can change the firstDay option to reorder if necessary (0: Sunday, 1: Monday, etc). You can also set isRTL to true for languages that are read right-to-left.



Pikarange is a pure datepicker. It will not support picking a time of day. However, there have been efforts to add time support to Pikaday. See #1 and #18. These reside in their own fork.

You can use the work @owenmead did most recently at owenmead/Pikaday A more simple time selection approach done by @xeeali at xeeali/Pikaday is based on version 1.2.0. Also @stas has a fork stas/Pikaday, but is now quite old


Thanks to @shoogledesigns for the name.

Copyright © 2014 David Bushell | BSD & MIT license


A forked refreshing JavaScript Datepicker — lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS, just like Pikaday







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