- WiMLDS Meetup Event
- Date: 23-Oct-2018
- Space Sponsored by NY Times
- This is a hands-on workshop. We will be using Neo4j and a Jupyter notebook to run Python code using the Python Neo4j driver.
- You can either install Neo4j Desktop locally or spin up a blank Neo4j Sandbox instance
- The Jupyter notebooks can be run locally (clone this repo) or through Google's CoLab service. NOTE: If you run the notebooks through Collaboratory you'll need to use Neo4j Sandbox as the hosted notebooks cannot connect to your local macine.
- Jupyter notebook #1 (Import)
- Jupyter notebook #2 (Analysis)
- Slides are available here.
Please feel free to take photos and tweet about the event.
NY Times: @nytimes
Will Lyon: @lyonwj
Reshama Shaikh: @reshamas
- #Neo4j