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迈思框架(MyStep Framework)是一套基于 [PHP 7.0] 的web开发框架,旨在构建一个可以便捷调用常用功能,以最简洁的代码实现目标功能,同时具备高度可扩展性,可通过代理模式,方便的将第三方功能模块集成到框架中。

  • 路由系统 - 框架通过 rewrite 方法接管所有响应,除 static 目录和自定义扩展类型外,其他文件均无法直接通过 url 访问,兼具高可控性和安全性。 (IIS对应web.config,Apache对应.htaccess,Nginx需参考目录下文件手动添加)。
  • 模版系统 - 采用二次编译模式,严格实现模板与程序的分离,通过通俗的标签模式调用各类数据。基本模板格式简单易学,方便制作,只要对HTML有一定了解的设计师均可以很快上手,模板修改后即时生效。同时具备高度可扩展性,可根据实际需要任意扩充模版标签。
  • 插件系统 - 扩展框架功能,无论是功能增强、系统优化、前台展示均可与系统无缝连接。内容评分、评论、投票、专题、检索、采集、统计等都可以通过插件实现。
  • 应用接口 - 系统为各类插件提供了丰富的接口,无论是api、模板标签、代码嵌入、脚本附加、登录处理,都可以通过系统接口便捷地实现,为二次开发或插件开发提供最大限度的支持和自由。
  • 缓存机制 - 通过数据、页面、浏览器三层缓存机制保证系统高效运行。
  • 域名绑定 - 每个应用或路由规则(仅限一级目录)均可以通过框架绑定到独立域名。
  • 多语言支持 - 系统可以随意添加语言包,通过调整参数立即变化。
  • Composer - 框架支持通过composer添加附属功能及相关依赖,具体请参见composer文档


MyStep Framework is a website framework based on [PHP 7.0], which focus on building a development toolkit that can call common functions with an easier way, and coding a functional website with more concise code. The framework is also highly scalable. With the agent mode and composer, the third-party function modules can be convenient to integrate into the framework.

  • Routing - With the rewriting module of server, MyStepFW can handle all the requesting for static files and functions.
  • Template - With 2-steps compilation, MyStepFW strictly separate the program code from the view code, and you can also expand the template function with custom tag.
  • Plugin - Expand MyStepFW function which can be seamlessly connected with the system.
  • API - MyStepFW provides rich API for various use with different formats, and provides maximum convenience for application or secondary development.
  • Cache - MyStepFW can be efficiently run by three-layer caching mechanism of data, page and browser side.
  • Domain - Each application or routing rule can be bound to an independent domain name through MyStepFW.
  • I18n - MyStepFW can add language package easily and can be change immediately by adjusting parameters.
  • Composer - MyStepFW supports compile new functions and related dependencies through composer. Please refer to composer document for details.