current thoughts on the process:
you know? it took the longest while to reconcile my multiple (all discarded) design visions, meager technical abilities, and what ssg, cms, or other framework possibilities with my needs, or my perception of them. after half-installing vue.js and jekyll, i've landed back at the beginning: hard code the site.
it makes sense, though. vue.js has a considerable learning curve for those not well-versed in js, and people are slowly jumping off the jekyll ship; it's ultimately too hard to customize——from a beginner's standpoint——and so to implement sustainably. once i streamlined my design/website needs and quit on the idea of making the best possible personal portfolio i am possibly capable of, because it's silly time-consuming, it became pretty clear that simple hard coding will get me 75% where i need to be actually have something i can launch.
the missing 25% is because i need to decide a structure for storing blogposts that i'll write in .md