This project serves as a sandbox for exploring various Android development concepts. It's a collection of code snippets, methods, classes, and packages that can be reused and adapted for future projects.
This project is built as a Weather App that demonstrates the use of the layered architecture while experimenting with data access and processing techniques. The app retrieves temperature data from multiple sources and calculates the average to provide a more comprehensive picture of the current conditions.
- Migrate to Koin DI
- Convert project into Kotlin Multiplatform (Android + iOS)
- Share logic between platforms
- Cover UseCases with unit tests (1/3)
- Implement native iOS app UI
- Implement navigation between screens for Android and iOS
- Add preference screen to configure weather sources (for android and iOS)
- Add offline support
I'm gonna try to use following hierarchy as a project structure template.
- app
- data
- repository // data access logic, interacts with remote/local sources
- service
- local
- location
- LocationService.class
- FusedLocationService.class
- database
- remote
- openmeteo
- request // optional
- response // optional
- OpenMeteoRemoteService.class
- OpenMeteoHttpRemoteService.class
- domain
- usecase
- model
- presentation
- navigation
- composable
- screens
- feature1
- Feature1ViewModel.class
- Feature1Screen.class
- widgets
- theme
- utils
- di
- service // services directly tied to app functionality
- MyBackgroundService.kt
Before building the project, obtain your API keys and save it in the
file using the following template.