A prototype for Code Review Collaboration in angularFire, angularjs and Firebase
Engineer developers who in a team that need to do code review for each other.
If your team has the tradition to do code review before commiting the code, how do you ask for the review? Send a request in group IM? What if there are some other messages that is nothing about the review push your message out? If you want to be the reviewer, how do you know if the people who send the quest is under review or has done it? If you are the manager, how can you help arrange all the review request and trance the review status? The reason to use a code review board, is to help your team improve the code review efficient.
- A board that could send reminder when team member sends a review request. It would integrate with the chrome notification function.
- Display the reviewer and auto switch review item's status.
- Auto trace the time people spend on a review.
- Work as a team, allow team member management.