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Simple Laravel cache management for repeating code structures using caches.


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v0.4 (2020-05-26) - in-development

About this package

This package is "work in progress". Nothing in this repository is production ready!

I needed a simple solution to manage cached content retrieved by Eloquent models. The relentless use of the remember method from the facade Cache::remember increased code duplication

Use Case

$Chat = Chat::find(528); // some random chat.
$User = User::find(12); // some random user
Cache::remember("chat:{$Chat->id}:unread-messages:{$User->id}", 60*60, function() use ($Chat, $User) {
    return $Chat->messages()->whereUserId($User->id)->whereIsNull('unread')->count();

This package tries to reduce the overhead in a simpler manner without the need to duplicate it anywhere else, or keep track of the cached content and remove it from the cache somewhere completely else.

$Chat = Chat::find(528);
$Chat->obtain('unread-messages-count', ['user' => $User->id]);

The removal of cached data could be just be as complex if we need to remove the cached data if a new message was sent to the chat.

$Chat = Chat::find(528);
$users = $Chat->users;
foreach($users as $User) {

This packages tries to simplify all of these different steps by using an obtainable object and centralizes all required code in a single class per model.

$Chat = Chat::find(528);
// will remove all counts for all users with chat id 528.
// will only be removed for user with id 12.
$Chat->flushObtained('unread-messages-count', ['user' => 12]);
// will remove all unread messages count for all chats, but only for user with id 12.
Chat::flushObtainables('unread-messages-count', ['user' => 12]);

It also possible to use the obtainable class as a listener, for example, to react on a NewMessage event where we would like to clear anything cached previously.

use WizeWiz\Obtainable\Obtainer;
use App\Events\Chat\NewMessage;

class Obtainable extends Obtainer {

	// ...
	 * Subscribe to listeners.
	public function subscribe($events) {
		$events->listen(NewMessage::class, static::class . '@onNewMessage');

	 * On new message event.
	public function onNewMessage($event) {
	// ...

Now triggering the event with event(new NewMessage($message)) automatically flushes the caches unread-messages-count and messages for the given chat the event was triggered by.

All code is psuedo code and only demonstrates a possible use case.


Install with composer with composer require wize-wiz/laravel-obtainable.

This package supports auto-discovery, after installation run php artisan package:discover to install the configuration file.


The configuration file has a namespace setting, where all obtainable classes are located. The default namespace for all the Eloquent models in Laravel is App. If your project deviates from Laravels default, change the models namespace accordingly.

return [
    | Obtainable namespace
    'namespace' => 'App\\Obtainables',
    | Model namespace
    'models' => 'App',
    | Subscribers

    'subcribers' => [],

Each obtainable class will reflect the namespace of its model. So for example, if the User model would be located under App\Models, change the 'models' setting to App\Models. The obtainable class for User would then be located under App\Obtainables\User.

If a model has a namespace of, e.g. App\Models\Chat\Message, then the obtainable class for Message would be located under App\Obtainables\Chat\Message.


Implement the interface (contract) Contracts\Obtainable and the trait (concern) Concern\IsObtainable for the model you wish to use the obtainble methods. In the following examples I will use an Chat example model.

namespace App\Models;

use use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use WizeWiz\Obtainable\Contracts\Obtainable;
use WizeWiz\Obtainable\Concerns\IsObtainable;

class Chat extends Model implements Obtainable {
    use IsObtainable;

    // ...

	public function users() {
		// .. returns a hasMany users relationship.
	public function messages() {
		// .. returns a hasMany messages relationship.

	// ...


Create an obtainable class for the model Chat.

php artisan obtainable:make Chat

The obtainable class name should be the class name of the given model. Each method declared in the obtainable class should return a closure. Each closure has a parameter called options where any relevant argument can be passed to be used in the

By default, the models id is automatically added.

namespace App\Obtainables;

use WizeWiz\Obtainable\Obtainer;

// Obtainer example class for model Chat.
class Chat extends Obtainer {

     * Return all users in chat.
    public function allUsers() {
        return function(array $options) {
            // function is automatically bound to the Chat model.
            return $this->users->only(['id', 'name']);
    public function allMessages() {
    	return function(array $options) {
    		return $this->messages;
     * Return all unread messages.
    public function unreadMessages() {
        return function($options) {
            return $this->messages()->where('read', false)->get();

     * Return the count of all unread messages.
    public function unreadMessagesCount() {
        return function($options) {
            return $this->messages()->where('read', false')->count();


To retrieve the results from any obtainable method, you call the methods in kebab style. This means unreadMessages becomes unread-messages, allMessages becomes all-messages and so on. To verify each method for its kebab counter part, just use Str::kebab('allMessages');.

$Chat = Chat::find(528);

// get all users 

// get all messages

If the closure requires additional data, just append any data as an array to the obtain method:


Where the obtainable method for unread-chat-messages could look like:

// Obtainer class for model Chat.
class Chat extends Obtainer {

    public function unreadChatMessages() {
        return function($options) {
            // psuedo chat class
            return Chat::with('messages')
                    ->where('messages.user_id', $options['id'])
                    ->where('messages.chat_id', $options['chat']);


Obtainable options

// Obtainer class for model User.
class Chat extends Obtainer {

    // prefix the cache key, all keys will start with `chat:` followed by the key.
    public $prefix = 'chat';

    // given default TTL when none supplied in the `$ttl_map`
    public $ttl = 1800;

    // if the obtainable is allowed to fail by throwing an exception.
    public $silent = true;


Obtainable mapping

Control the format of the cache keys being generated by the obtainable class.

class Chat extends Obtainer {

    // prefix the cache key, all keys will be start with `chat:`.
    public $prefix = 'chat';

    public $key_map = [
        // results in: chat:528:unread-messages:1209
        'unread-chat-messages' => '$id:unread-messages:$user'

    public $ttl_map = [
        'unread-chat-messages' => 120 // time to live of 120 seconds.


If key mapping is not used for an obtainable key, in this example unread-chat-messages, the Obtainer class will generate a cache key according to the supplied arguments $options, for example the call :


In order to control the cached key when unread-chat-messages is called, a key like unread-chat-messages can be mapped to a different format like $id:unread-messages:$chat. Each string sigment ($id and $user) will be replaced with the corresponding data supplied.

class User extends Obtainer {

    public $prefix = 'user';

    public $key_map = [
        'unread-chat-messages' => '$id:unread-messages:$chat'

	public function unreadChatMessages() {
		return function($options) {
			// ..
	public function unreadChatMessagesCount() {
		return function($options) {
			// ..


$User = User::find(1);

// custom cache-key: user:1:unread-messages:582
$User->obtain('unread-chat-messages', ['chat' => 582]);

// default cache-key: user:1:unread-chat-messages-count:chat:582
$User->obtain('unread-chat-messages-count', ['chat' => 582]);


All cache entries are being tagged automatically. There are 3 default tags added by each cache entry, a global tag, an obtainer (model) specific tag and a key tag. The following obtainer class would produce the following 3 tags per key entry:

class User extends Obtainer {

   public $prefix = 'user';

	public function unreadChatMessages() {
		return function($options) {
			// ..

	// default global tag
	// default obtainer tag
	// default key tag


Deu to the fact that all values stored in a cache are string based, casting can be applied for each obtainable key:

namespace App\Obtainables;

use WizeWiz\Obtainable\Obtainer;

// Obtainer class for model User.
class User extends Obtainer {

	protected $casts = [
		'unread-chat-messages-count' => 'integer'
	public function unreadChatMessagesCount() {
		return function() {
			// psuedo relationship
			return $this

Now $User->obtain('unread-chat-messages-count') will always return an integer. Only the types supported with PHP's settype. Additional any timestamp will be converted to a datetime.

Flushing data (cache).

There are various ways to remove stored cache entries.

Removing a specific key entry.

$User->obtain('unread-chat-messages', ['chat' => 582]);
// will remove only the above entry for chat with id 582. 
$User->flushObtained('unread-chat-messages', ['chat' => 582]);

To remove all related entries for a specific key

$User->obtain('unread-chat-messages', ['chat' => 582]);
$User->obtain('unread-chat-messages', ['chat' => 1024]);
// will remove all the above entries for `unread-chat-messages`. 

To flush all key entries linked to an obtainable.

// obtainable for model User
$User->obtain('unread-chat-messages', ['chat' => 582]);
// obtainable for model Chat

// will remove only the entries associated with User, not Chat.

To flush all keys stored used by any obtainable class.

$User->obtain('unread-chat-messages', ['chat' => 582]);
// will remove all the above. 


An obtainable class can also respond to an event. For example, a new message in a chat.

class Chat extends Obtainer {
    public static $events = [
        NewMessage::class => 'onNewMessage'

     * New message in chat event.
     * @param $name Name of the event.
     * @param $event Event object.
    public function onNewMessage($name, $event) {
        // remove all cached unread-message-count for all users in the chat.
        // or statically
        Obtainer::flushObtainable('unread-messages-count', ['id' => $event->chat_id]);

Static calls

Obtainables can also be statically called. The only difference is to add the id of the model manually:

User::obtainable('unread-chat-messages', ['id' => 42, 'chat' => 582]);


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


  • workout readme (0/2)
  • add examples (0/2)
  • update composer.json for all dependency/requirements. (0/1)
  • create a stable version 1.0. (0/1)


Simple Laravel cache management for repeating code structures using caches.







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