A small Python terminal program to manage PDF files from Comdirect.de on MacOS. Main features, automatic sorting of PDF files based on year of creation, adjustment of creation date, automatic tagging of PDF files with MacOs tags (disabled due to Big Sur).
Project is created with:
- Python version: 3.8.2
- macos_tags version: 1.5.1
- PyPDF2 version: 1.26.0
- Download the Python tool.
- Install all needet packages. For example PyPDF2: pip install PyPDF2
- Place it in a Folder.
- Make a Data-Backup of your PDF files. I am not responsible if the files are damaged.
Open your MacOS Terminal. CD to your folder with the python script. Run the script with: python3 main.py
Do not change the name of the PDF-Files, just download it.