Minimal, flexible and customizable, window manager for X.
Lucky is in heavy development and not fully suited for use, new features are being added in a fast pace.
- Multi-monitor support
- Tiling layout
- Multiple desktops
- Window focus follows mouse
- Custom keybinds for actions and commands
- Customizable decorations
- Startup programs and commands
- Fullscreen and minimize screens
- Status bar support
- Titles
- Floating layout
- Interactive Resizing
- Compositor support
- Gaps
- ICCCM compliance
- [w] Full EWMH compliance
- Move windows between workspaces
Some of the features listed here are also part of the EWMH and ICCM specifications, but some are highlighted as they are usually features people expect.
Lucky will look for a configuration file in the following places:
- If set, the value from
will be used; - If set, the value from
will be used; - If exists, the file in
will be used; - If none of the above applies, the default configuration will be loaded, with a warning