Releases: wml-frc/CJ-Vision
What's Changed
- Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines by @CJBuchel in #79
- MJPEG Image stream by @CJBuchel in #80
- Added
class to output structure. Creates a separate thread to output a video stream over the network. Can be viewed in browser and MJPEG Stream Viewers. I.ehttp://cjVision.local:8080
. See the documentation on Output/Display for detail
- Bugfix for platform detection not running on Linux
Full Changelog: v2.0...v2.1
The second large update to CJ-VIsion.
- New gradle syntax
- Framework generator
- Latest/Legacy added
- Newer networking method
- Better deploy structure
- Mac OS officially supported
- Logging system added
- Newer wrappers for filtering/detection/bounding
- Layering system added for users
Platform to build C++ on
Common OpenCV wrapper functions
Allows local debugging with webcam
Your choice in coprocessor, RPI, Jetson, Tinker Board, etc...
Uses layering system for programmable design
Debian UNIX-based deployment (uses Embedded tools for building/deploying to Debian UNIX-based systems)
Socket networking (sends CV data through custom socket programming
Fixes #74
Fixes #62
Fixes #55
Fixes #73
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v1.0...v2.0
This release fixes many prior bugs in the networking of the program. And now offers a new submodule fully built in standard C/C++. Providing UDP Transfer methods between Linux machines. It's provided as a gradle library and can be added easily to an FRC gradle project. Or linked just as easily from the cpp and public headers.
- No longer crashes either roborio or coprocessor when connection is lost.
- Provides both threaded and non threaded send/recv methods.
- Ability to stop/start/kill network while program is running
- Faster than Prior TCP method.
- Data stream stability
- Better serializer and datapackets
This release is a pre-release, as the networking is not finalized and as time moves forward, this library will switch to being more of a platform to build CV on. Rather than providing a wrapper for OpenCV
Vision tracking library included into 2020 versions of the FRC codebase. Supports Raspberry Pi's as the coprocessor.
2019 Vision Tracking Library used for the 2019 Codebases. Supports both Asus Tinkerboards & Raspberry Pi's