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About the project

Developed as an exercise to practice what was learned during an Angular course.

Simple app with Authentication, Recipes, and Shopping list pages.

Auth page requires authentication by email and password. It covers the most common authentication errors, such as invalid email/password and email not registered. It also deals with auto login and logout, once the session is expired (after 1 hour).

The recipe page allows the users to register new recipes and ingredients, as well as manage them (delete, edit, and add ingredients to the shopping list).

The shopping list page allows the user to add/alter/delete new ingredients to the list.

Concepts applied

  • CustomProprieties;
  • Directives;
  • Forms (TD and Reactive);
  • NGRX;
  • rxjs;
  • Gards;
  • Resolver;
  • Interceptor;
  • Services;
  • Pipes;
  • Modules;
  • Lazy loading (optimization);
  • Observables;
  • Subjects;
  • HTTP;
  • Dynamic components;


  • Firebase

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