- 2021.08.12 : Init commit, Write entropy and mnemonic functions
- 2021.08.13 : Write code to generate key (first commit version)
- 2021.08.17 : Update code to show detail descriptions
- 2021.08.18 : Adjust secp256r1
- 2021.08.19 : Adjust child key generation
- 2021.08.24 : PEM file generation, PrivateKey/PublicKey struct type support
- Adjust ECDSA 'secp256r1' algorithm, also called P256, to generate HD wallet key
- Most of HD wallet key is generated with 'secp256k1' since bitcoin uses it
- Hyperledger Fabric and some blockchain platforms uses secp256r1 -> Test is needed!
- To adjust secp256r1, I modified some codes from original. You can find it key.go
- Generate Mnemonic code using entropy(random number)
- Generate Binary seed(also called RootSeed) using Mnemonic code with checksum
- Generate Master Key(also called RootKey) by binary seed hasing with HMAC-SHA512
- Front of Master Key (256 bits) is Private key and the other (256 bits) is chaincode, used to generate child key.
- Child key is also generated from HMAC-SHA512 and 2 parts of values(private key and chaincode)
func GenerateRootKey() *hdwallet.Key {
// 1. Entropy
entropy, _ := hdwallet.GetEntropy(bipType)
// 2. Mnemonic code
mnemonicCode, _ := hdwallet.GenerateMnemonicWord(entropy, bipType)
// 3. Root Seed
rootSeed := hdwallet.GenerateRootSeed(mnemonicCode, passphrase)
// 4. Generate Root Private Key
rootKey, _ := hdwallet.CreateRootKey(rootSeed.Bytes)
PrintEnvInfo(entropy, mnemonicCode, rootSeed.Bytes)
return rootKey
func GenerateChildKey(key *hdwallet.Key, childIdx uint32) *hdwallet.Key {
childKey, _ := hdwallet.CreateChildKeyFromPrivateKey(key.PrivateKey, key.PublicKey, key.ChainCode, key.Depth, childIdx)
fmt.Printf("\n----- Child Key [%d] -----\n", childKey.Depth)
return childKey