This branch is optimized for firefox by mozilla, make sure you are using the right branch before installing this!
Welcome to the best extension for Echo! It offers a range of fixes, features, and redesigns, all focused on significantly enhancing the user experience. This tool is especially valuable for improving the interface of what is often seen as a poorly designed website. The site's limitations were my main motivation for developing this extension.
If you have experience with manually installing extensions, you'll find the process straightforward. However, for first-time users, it might seem a bit challenging. To assist, I've created a comprehensive documentation section with all the necessary information.
If you've found a bug or issue that needs fixing, please submit an issue with appropriate tags and context describing the problem. I will usually respond in a reasonable amount of time, so don't worry about not getting a reply.
I spent a very, very long time over several repositories and integrations to the extensions, the styling, and everything. Me being a relatively new coder found it hard, but I think this will be the last one I do. Thanks for using it.