Explore automatic candidate selection based on the Slack output
Requires widgets in the jupyter notebook. If this is run through environments parts of the installation has to go through base/root. Look at https://ipywidgets.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user_install.htmlstable/user_install.html
Also requires a recent version of marshal tools. Is the public one synced?
- Go through SEDM data and make sure types are entered into the marshal
- After 15pm download both csv files sent to the ztf_cosmosn channel
- Sync the AmpelSlackCosmo git (since last day)
- Configure ztfcosmology_scanning script parameters and run
- Select well-behaved SN-like objects not suitable for RCF for saving
- Take action if any sne were not sent to scanning page or saved as expected
- Add your log to the git and push this (possibly together with new candids)
- To be run after scanner has uploaded data
- Scripts starts with downloading all untyped lightcurves and fit them. This takes a while.
- Inspect fits and select whether RCF should be alerted or we should trigger
- Follow links and trigger SEDM obs
- Push updated logs and sne_following for common use!
- Inspect sne_following for untyped objects. Create SNIFS schedule
- Inspect SNIFS results and update Marshal types
- Inspect sne_following for untyped objects. Trigger LCO
- Inspect LCO results and update Marshal types
- Further comments can always be added at the marshal page. Include the OctIa tag.