- Next.js - Framework for server-rendered or statically-exported React apps.
- San - Flexible JavaScript component framework.
- hapi - Rich framework for building applications and services.
- Koa - Smaller, more expressive, and more robust foundation for web applications and APIs.
- Umi - Pluggable enterprise-level react application framework.
- Vue.js - Progressive JavaScript Framework.
- Mithril - Modern client-side Javascript framework for building Single Page Applications.
- Solid - Declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Neutrino dev
- Alpine.js - Rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup.
- After.js - Next.js-like framework for server-rendered React apps built with React Router 4.
- Blitz - Framework for building monolithic, full-stack, serverless React apps with zero data-fetching and zero client-side state management.
- Anime.js - JavaScript animation engine.
- popmotion - Functional, reactive animation library.
- impress.js - Presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions.
- Pts - Library for visualization and creative-coding.
- lax.js - Simple & light weight (<2kb gzipped) vanilla JS plugin to create smooth & beautiful animations when you scroll.
- Flipping - Library (and collection of adapters) for implementing FLIP transitions.
- Ola - Smooth animation library for interpolating numbers.
- react-spring - Spring physics based React animation library.
- FAT - Web's fastest and most lightweight animation tool.
- React Easy Flip - Lightweight React library for smooth FLIP animations.
- qoa - Minimal interactive command-line prompts.
- Mutik - Tiny (495B) immutable state management library based on Immer.
- Overmind - Frictionless state management.
- Storeon - Tiny event-based Redux-like state manager for React and Preact.
- Overstated - React state management library that's delightful to use, without sacrificing performance or scalability.
- Effector - Reactive state manager. (Awesome)
- Akita - State Management Tailored-Made for JS Applications.
- Observable Store - Provides a simple way to manage state in Angular, React, Vue.js and other front-end applications.
- Cerebral - Declarative state and side effects management solution for popular JavaScript frameworks.
- Hooksy - State managment solution based on react hooks.
- React Easy State - Simple React state management. Made with ❤️ and ES6 Proxies.
- wana - Easy observable state for React.
- state-machines-in-react - Small React, xstate and Framer Motion demo.
- micro github - Tiny microservice that makes adding authentication with GitHub to your application easy.
- pico.js - Face detection library in 200 lines of JavaScript.
- mdxc - Use React Components within Markdown.
- ReLaXeD - Create PDF documents using web technologies. (Examples)
- Dragula - Drag and drop so simple it hurts.
- Hammer.js - Multi-touch gestures.
- emittery - Simple and modern async event emitter.
- Xstate - State machines and statecharts for the modern web.
- xstate-component-tree - Build a tree of UI components based on your state chart.
- virtual-scroller - Maps a provided set of JavaScript objects onto DOM nodes, and renders only the DOM nodes that are currently visible, leaving the rest "virtualized".
- jSPDF - Client-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone.
- ForgJS - JavaScript lightweight object validator.
- faker.js - Generate massive amounts of realistic fake data in Node.js and the browser.
- arg - Simple argument parsing.
- fbt - JavaScript Internationalization Framework.
- fuzzysearch - Tiny and blazing-fast fuzzy search in JavaScript.
- normalizr - Normalizes nested JSON according to a schema.
- FBJS - Collection of utility libraries used by other Facebook JS projects.
- Uppy - Next open source file uploader for web browsers.
- ScrollReveal - Animate elements as they scroll into view.
- Shiny - Add shiny reflections to text, backgrounds, and borders on devices that support the DeviceMotion event.
- Hotkey Behavior - Trigger a action on element when keyboard hotkey is pressed.
- Bili - Makes it easier to bundle JavaScript libraries.
- Memoizee - Complete memoize/cache solution for JavaScript.
- Immer - Create the next immutable state by mutating the current one.
- FlexSearch - Web's fastest and most memory-flexible full-text search library with zero dependencies.
- cofx - Node and javascript library that helps developers describe side-effects as data in a declarative, flexible API.
- Mercury Parser - Extracts the bits that humans care about from any URL you give it.
- Refract - Harness the power of reactive programming to supercharge your components.
- MemJS - Memcache client for node using the binary protocol and SASL authentication.
- memfs - In-memory filesystem with Node's API.
- Accounts - Fullstack authentication and accounts-management for GraphQL and REST.
- Cleave.js - Format input text content when you are typing...
- Unistore - Tiny 350b centralized state container with component bindings for Preact & React.
- Ramda - Practical functional library for JavaScript programmers.
- fromfrom - JS library written in TS to transform sequences of data from format to another.
- Editor.js - Block-styled editor with clean JSON output.
- ijk - Transforms arrays into virtual DOM trees.
- Cleave.js - Format input text content when you are typing.
- Oboe.js - Streaming approach to JSON. Oboe.js speeds up web applications by providing parsed objects before the response completes.
- Choices.js - Vanilla JS customisable select box/text input plugin.
- Shepherd - Guide your users through a tour of your app.
- object-cull - Create a copy of an object with just the bits you actually need.
- Sigma - JavaScript library dedicated to graph drawing.
- interact.js - JavaScript drag and drop, resizing and multi-touch gestures with inertia and snapping for modern browsers.
- flru - Tiny (215B) and fast Least Recently Used (LRU) cache.
- Yup - Dead simple Object schema validation.
- Lerna - Tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages.
- WikiJs - Wikipedia Interface for Node.js.
- virtual-audio-graph - Library for declaratively manipulating the Web Audio API.
- deep-object-diff - Deep diffs two objects, including nested structures of arrays and objects, and returns the difference.
- Snarkdown - Snarky 1kb Markdown parser written in JavaScript.
- Terser - JavaScript parser, mangler, optimizer and beautifier toolkit for ES6+.
- AppAuthJS - JavaScript client SDK for communicating with OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect providers.
- expr-eval - Mathematical expression evaluator in JavaScript.
- robust-predicates - Fast robust predicates for computational geometry in JavaScript.
- Sanctuary - JavaScript functional programming library inspired by Haskell and PureScript.
- modali - Delightful modal dialog component for React, built from the ground up to support React Hooks.
- Tweakpane - Compact GUI for fine-tuning parameters and monitoring value changes.
- crocks - Collection of well known Algebraic Data Types for your utter enjoyment.
- Just - Library of zero-dependency npm modules that do just do one thing.
- nanoid - Tiny (139 bytes), secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator for JavaScript.
- debug - Tiny JavaScript debugging utility modelled after Node.js core's debugging technique. Works in Node.js and web browsers.
- roughViz.js - Reusable JavaScript library for creating sketchy/hand-drawn styled charts in the browser.
- Mitt - Tiny 200 byte functional event emitter / pubsub.
- RequireJS - File and module loader for JavaScript.
- Zero - 3D graphics rendering pipeline. Implemented in JavaScript. Run in a terminal.
- xstate-viz - Visualize state charts.
- htmr - Simple and lightweight (< 2kB) HTML string to React element conversion library.
- react-jsx-parser - React component which can parse JSX and output rendered React Components.
- Static Land - Specification for common algebraic structures in JavaScript based on Fantasy Land.
- sorted-queue - Sorted queue, based on an array-backed binary heap.
- polendina - Non-UI browser testing for JavaScript libraries from the command-line.
- agadoo - Check whether a package is tree-shakeable.
- Fielder - React form library which adapts to change.
- lemonad - Functional programming library for JavaScript. An experiment in elegant JS.
- Mockttp - Lets you quickly & reliably test HTTP requests & responses in JavaScript, in both Node and browsers.
- Flowy - Minimal javascript library to create flowcharts.
- d3-dag - Layout algorithms for visualizing directed acyclic graphs.
- renature - Physics-based animation library for React focused on modeling natural world forces.
- Morphism - Do not repeat anymore your objects transformations.
- Tonic - Stable, Minimal, Auditable, Build-Tool-Free, Low Profile Component Framework.
- Quiet.js - Transmit data with sound using Web Audio -- Javascript binding for libquiet.
- Bindery - Library for designing printable books with HTML and CSS.
- Wretch - Tiny wrapper built around fetch with an intuitive syntax.
- Virt.js - Free collection of useful standard devices, that can be used to power various engine that makes use of the exposed interfaces.
- Path-to-RegExp - Turn a path string such as /user/:name into a regular expression.
- Bacon.js - Functional reactive programming library for TypeScript and JavaScript.
- GGEditor - Visual graph editor based on G6 and React.
- fsm-as-promised - Finite state machine library using ES6 promises.
- x-spreadsheet - Web-based JavaScript(canvas)spreadsheet.
- IsoCity - Isometric city builder in JavaScript.
- car - Simple 2d car physics with JavaScript. (HN)
- Picomatch - Blazing fast and accurate glob matcher written in JavaScript.
- react-isomorphic-data - Easily fetch data in your React components, with similar APIs to react-apollo.
- klona - Tiny (228B) and fast utility to "deep clone" Objects, Arrays, Dates, RegExps, and more.
- ScrollMagic - JavaScript library for magical scroll interactions.
- GoJS - JavaScript and TypeScript library for building interactive diagrams and graphs.
- Rete - JavaScript framework for visual programming and creating node editor. (HN)
- Pre3d - JavaScript 3d rendering engine.
- dancer.js - High-level audio API, designed to make sweet visualizations.
- model-viewer - Easily display interactive 3D models on the web and in AR.
- Spars - General toolkit for creating interactive web experiences.
- NeuroJS - JavaScript deep learning and reinforcement learning library.
- Hareactive - Purely functional reactive programming library.
- Mirage JS - Client-side server to develop, test and prototype your JavaScript app.
- dfa - State machine compiler with regular expression style syntax.
- Jtree - Tree Notation TypeScript/Javascript library.
- Hydra - Livecoding networked visuals in the browser.
- p-queue - Promise queue with concurrency control.
- gsheets - Get public Google Sheets as plain JavaScript/JSON.
- alga-ts - Algebraic graphs implementation in TypeScript.
- Chart.js - Simple HTML5 Charts using the tag. (Awesome)
- on-change - Watch an object or array for changes.
- clean-set - Deep assignment alternative to the object spread operator and Object.assign.
- Search Query Syntax Parser
- Uppload - Better JavaScript image uploader with 30+ plugins.
- pino - Super fast, all natural JSON logger.
- Orbit - Composable data framework for ambitious web applications.
- panzoom - Universal pan and zoom library (DOM, SVG, Custom).
- intl-tel-input - JavaScript plugin for entering and validating international telephone numbers.
- three.js - JavaScript 3D library.
- shortid - Short id generator. Url-friendly. Non-predictable. Cluster-compatible.
- styx - Derives a control flow graph from a JavaScript AST.
- Crossfilter - JavaScript library for exploring large multivariate datasets in the browser.
- SiriWave - Apple Siri wave-form replicated in a JS library.
- Shades - Lodash-inspired lens-like library for Javascript.
- mxGraph - Fully client side JavaScript diagramming library.
- cacache - Node.js library for managing local key and content address caches.
- enhanced-resolve - Offers an async require.resolve function. It's highly configurable.
- notevil - Evalulate javascript like the built-in javascript eval() method but safely.
- react-digraph - Library for creating directed graph editors.
- bent - Functional JS HTTP client (Node.js & Fetch) w/ async await.
- CLUI - Collection of JavaScript libraries for building command-line interfaces with context-aware autocomplete.
- cosha - Colorful shadows for your images.
- Rambda - Faster and smaller alternative to Ramda.
- MathJax - Open-source JavaScript display engine for LaTeX, MathML, and AsciiMath notation that works in all modern browsers.
- Litepicker - Date range picker - lightweight, no dependencies.
- core-js - Modular standard library for JavaScript.
- timeago.js - Nano library (less than 2 kb) used to format datetime with *** time ago statement. eg: '3 hours ago'.
- Serialize JavaScript - Serialize JavaScript to a superset of JSON that includes regular expressions, dates and functions.
- Tippy.js - Tooltip, popover, dropdown, and menu library.
- howler.js - JavaScript audio library for the modern web.
- date-fns - Modern JavaScript date utility library.
- Midi - Convert MIDI into Tone.js-friendly JSON.
- face-api.js - JavaScript API for face detection and face recognition in the browser and nodejs with tensorflow.js.
- Spotlight - Search widget for your web API.
- Fuse - Lightweight fuzzy-search, in JavaScript.
- Xterm.js - Terminal for the web.
- Change Case - Convert strings between camelCase, PascalCase, Capital Case, snake_case and more.
- ChronoGraph - Reactive, graph-based, computation engine.
- Sprotty - Diagramming framework for the web.
- prerender.js - Loads pages quickly on any browser.
- on-finished - Execute a callback when a request closes, finishes, or errors.
- ColorFns - Modern JavaScript color utilities library.
- grapheme-splitter - JavaScript library that breaks strings into their individual user-perceived characters.
- Web Animations - JavaScript implementation of the Web Animations API.
- p-limit - Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency.
- Highcharts JS - JavaScript charting library based on SVG.
- μPlot - Small, fast chart for time series, lines, areas, ohlc & bars.
- Baobab - JavaScript & TypeScript persistent and optionally immutable data tree with cursors.
- emoji-regex - Regular expression to match all Emoji-only symbols as per the Unicode Standard.
- MerkleTree.js - Construct Merkle Trees and verify proofs in JavaScript.
- Snabbdom - Virtual DOM library with focus on simplicity, modularity, powerful features and performance.
- Thwack - Tiny modern data fetching solution.
- Regenerate - Generate JavaScript-compatible regular expressions based on a given set of Unicode symbols or code points.
- Crank.js - Write JSX-driven components with functions, promises and generators. (Article) (Reddit) (HN)
- redaxios - Axios API, as an 800 byte Fetch wrapper.
- Math.js - Extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js.
- pixelmatch - Smallest, simplest and fastest JavaScript pixel-level image comparison library.
- quilt - Loosely related set of packages for JavaScript / TypeScript projects at Shopify.
- jsondiffpatch - Diff & patch JavaScript objects.
- RVal - Minimalistic transparent reactive programming library.
- orbit-controls - Generic controls for orbiting a target in 3D.
- estree-walker - Traverse an ESTree-compliant AST.
- Jitsi Meet API library - Can use Jitsi Meet API to create Jitsi Meet video conferences with a custom GUI.
- isomer - Simple isometric graphics library for HTML5 canvas.
- Schema to Yup schema
- NPM - Node package manager registry.
- Awesome WebAudio
- Awesome XState