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Plover custom folding

Plugin that lets users use Python dictionaries to define custom folding rules.

After installing, the extension EngineGetterExtension must be enabled from Plover's config > Plugins in order for folding dictionaries to work.


This plugin is currently not available from Plover's Plugins Manager. Instructions are available on the Plover wiki on how to install this plugin from PyPI or this Git repository.

Dictionary examples

To avoid overwriting explicitly defined entries, folding dictionaries should most likely be placed at the bottom of the dictionary list.

# Example of a Python folding dictionary with some basic rules. File extension is `fold-py`.

import plover_custom_folding as f

# Required. A list of rules or lookup functions of type `Callable[[tuple[Stroke, ...], Translator], str]`.
rules: list[f.Lookup] = [
    # Allows the `#` key to be included in the first stroke to capitalize a word.
    # E.g., `#KAP/TAL` => `{-|}capital` ("Capital")

    # Allows the `-R` key to be included in the last stroke to append "{^er}".
    # E.g., `SHEURPL` => `shim {^er}` ("shimmer")
    f.when(f.last_stroke.folds("-R")).then(f.suffix_translation(" {^er}")),

    # Allows the substrokes `-GS` or `-GZ` to be included in the last stroke to append "{^ings}".
    # E.g., `WAUFPGS` => `watchings`
    f.when(f.last_stroke.folds("-GS", "-GZ")).then(f.suffix_translation(" {^ings}")),

    # Allows `-G` to be included and `*` to be toggled in the last stroke to append "{^in'}".
    # We can use `unfold_suffix` because `*G` is defined as "{^in'}" in main.json already.

# Optional. The maximum length of the outline to check these folding rules for.
LONGEST_KEY: int = 8
# Dictionary with some more complex rules. This dictionary requires a system with the `^` and `+` keys.

import plover_custom_folding as f 

rules: list[f.Lookup] = [
    # Note: the rules are grouped in a specific order. The higher rules will take precedence over (be checked earlier
    # than) lower ones, but modifications to the outline/translation occur in reverse order to the order in which each
    # rule is found to be satisfied.

    # Allows the `^` key to be included in every stroke to make the translation a suffix (preserving case),
    # or when the first stroke also includes `+`, then also hyphenate it (preserving case).
    # E.g., `^PWUFT/^*ER` => `{^~|^}buster`

    # See above.

    # Allows the `STK` substroke to be included in the first stroke and if so, we then lookup the de-folded outline
    # but with the stroke `TKEUS` behind it, and then again with the stroke `TKEU` behind it and `S` added to the first
    # stroke, and then just the de-folded stroke with "{dis^}" prefixed to the resulting translation.
    # E.g., `STKEPL/TPHAEUT` => `disseminate`
    # E.g., `STKPWHRAOEF` => `{dis^} belief` ("disbelief")
        f.prefix_translation("{dis^} "),

    # Plover's default suffix folding rules based on the current system. Included so they take precedence over the
    # custom rules below.

    # See above.
    f.when(f.last_stroke.folds("-R")).then(f.suffix_translation(" {^er}")),
    f.when(f.last_stroke.folds("-GS", "-GZ")).then(f.suffix_translation(" {^ings}")),

Note that separate folding rules defined in a folding dictionary can be combined, e.g., #^+WAUFPGS with the above rules translates to {-|}{^~|-^}watch {^ings} ("-Watchings" as a suffix). The order in which the rules modify the translation depends on the order in which they are specified in the list; e.g., since the # rule is specified first, it applies the outermost modification to the translation.

# If desired, we can manually define our own custom functions as rules.

from plover.steno import Stroke
from plover.translation import Translator

import plover_custom_folding as f

def _lookup(strokes: tuple[Stroke, ...], translator: Translator):
    if "#" not in strokes[0].keys():
        raise KeyError

    translation = translator.lookup([strokes[0] - Stroke.from_steno("#")] + strokes[1:])
    if translation is None:
        raise KeyError

    return f"{{-|}}{translation}"

rules: list[f.Lookup] = [




Using built-in folding, Plover will give precedence to a shorter outline that is explicitly defined as opposed to a longer outline that is found using a fold. This plugin matches this behavior by default, but preferring_folds overrides this behavior, which may come in handy especially for prefix folds.

This makes certain multistroke entries more predictable:

  • SRAL/TKAEUGTvalidate {^ing} (original: val dating; conflict occurs because TKAEUGTdating is explicitly defined in main.json)

… but others may have unexpected results:

  • SKP/HREUDand I will {^ed} (original: and lid; conflict occurs because of misstroke entry SKP/HREUand I will in main.json)


Plover plugin for implementing custom folding rules







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