This is Gaurav Chandak's resume before he joined Flipkart (Jun '19). The resume follows Gayle Laakmann McDowell's careercup resume format.
The contents of this resume are based on Resume best practices for product-based companies.
- Please view the PDF version first to get an idea on how a good resume should look like.
- Star and Fork this repository.
- Download the docx file and edit it on Google Docs/Word to make your own resume.
- Gaurav's resume has always been a full one page since 2nd year in college.
- As new things got added, the older ones got compressed and the least relevant ones got removed.
- Before the internships, the activities part was bigger and some small projects were part of the resume. Almost all of them were removed after the first internship.
- A one-month winter internship was removed after the 1st job. Both the internships were also extremely compressed after that.
- Details about the 1st job was compressed after the 2nd job.
- Both the internships will either become one-liners or will be completely removed.
- Most of the points from additional activities will also go away.
- CGPA will be removed.
- Details about the 1st job may also be compressed to a single bullet point.
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