Hello! This library will help you to add Zebra barcode support to your app!!
As you maybe know, all zebra devices have DataWedge support for scanning barcodes, but we need to configurate the app before using it:
Go to Applications -> Associated apps -> new
Go back to the profile config, and scroll down to the "intent output" section, the section should looks like this:
IMPORTANT: The intent action MUST be the same than the app configured action, in this case is "com.worldline.default.ACTION" but obviously you can customize this action, feel free to change it:
The library has a constructor with callback, where you will receive your scans (triggered by hardware or soft buttons)
DataWedge(private val context: Context,
private val customAction: String = DEFAULT_ACTION,
private val callback: (ScanData) -> Unit)
The configuration is really easy (you can use this library with java also), take a look to the sample, the activity looks like this:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
// There are two ways to instantiate the library
// 1. By default
private val dataWedge: DataWedge by lazy { DataWedge(context = this, callback = { handleScanData(it) }) }
// 2. With custom action
private val dataWedge: DataWedge by lazy {
DataWedge(context = this, customAction = "com.mycompany.ACTION", callback = { handleScanData(it) })
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// Initialize when onCreate()
override fun onDestroy() {
// Destroy when onDestroy()
private fun registerListeners() {
// Trigger the soft scan button
softTrigger.setOnClickListener { dataWedge.startSoftScan() }
private fun handleScanData(scanData: ScanData) {
decodedBy.text = scanData.decodedBy
code.text = scanData.code
label.text = scanData.labelType
That's all! Enjoy it!
Feel free to report any issues or suggest new features.
Special thanks @darryncampbell, his samples look really nice and help us to create the library :)
Copyright 2018 Worldline Iberia
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
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