Public repository of code related to research on the input-output product space (IO-PS) [Described in Bam, W., & De Bruyne, K. (2019). Improving Industrial Policy Intervention: The Case of Steel in South Africa. The Journal of Development Studies, 55(11), 2460–2475.]
The repository currently contains the MATLAB code used in the original IO-PS paper mentioned above, as well as various extensions. For now, this includes:
- Basic MATLAB functions to calculate product space-related metrics
- The full IO-PS as presented in the above paper, but with a version added to use average metrics in the product space instead of average metrics in the value chain
- A version of the IO-PS that can be used for panel data analysis (as used in upcoming publication in Journal of Interantional Business Policy)
- Code for drawing tradeoff figure (as used in upcoming publication in Journal of Interantional Business Policy)
The research group is continually working on extending our reseaerch and making available new developments. Additions that are close to completion and that will be added soon include:
- IO-PS implemented in Python
- IO-PS implemented in R
- Bam, W., & De Bruyne, K. (2017). Location policy and downstream mineral processing: A research agenda. Extractive Industries and Society, 4(3), 443–447.
- Marais, M., & Bam, W. (2019). Developmental potential of the aerospace industry: the case of South Africa. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) (pp. 1–9). IEEE.