PHP Package to handle the WordPress plugins and themes auto update functionality.
AutoUpdate requires:
- PHP >= 7.0
- WP Fleet plugin to be installed from
- WordPress - latest
- Composer to be installed
Install via composer
composer require wp-fleet/auto-update
In your plugin's main file, require vendor file and call the auto update loader class as follows:
// Define update plugin info and call the function to manage it.
$update_args = [
'api_url' => 'https://your-website.tld/',
'plugin_full_path' => __FILE__,
'allowed_hosts' => [
'plugin_name' => plugin_basename( __FILE__ ),
'license_key' => 'required',
( new WpFleet\AutoUpdate\Loader( $update_args ) );
Parameters and arguments:
api_url - [required] site url where WP Fleet plugin is installed.
plugin_full_path - [required] expects to receive __FILE__ value. The full path of the current plugin (that will be updated automatically)
allowed_hosts - [optional] the url of the allowed external hosts to allow plugin updated (where WP Fleet plugin is installed)
plugin_name - [optional] the name of the current plugin (that will be updated automatically)
license_key - [optional] if true|1|required, a new page will be added under WP Admin -> Plugins -> License Keys and user will have to submit a valid license key to be able to automatically update plugin. If no license key is required, set it to false.
license_page_parent_slug - [optional] set the admin parent page slug.
license_page_description - [optional] a description that will be displayed on the license page.
code is licensed under MIT license.