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File metadata and controls

301 lines (211 loc) · 10.9 KB


Rabs is an imperative build system, borrowing features from but implemented in C instead of OCaml and supporting an imperative paradigm (with functional components) instead of a pure functional one,.




The language in Rabs is called Minilang since it is not meant to be very sophisticated. It is case sensitive with lower case keywords, ignores spaces and tabs but will treat an end-of-line marker as the end of a statement unless additional code is expected (e.g. after an infix operator or in a function call).

Sample Code

PLATFORM := defined("PLATFORM") or shell("uname"):trim
OS := defined("OS")
DEBUG := defined("DEBUG")

CFLAGS := []

c_compile := fun(Object) do
	var Source := Object % "c"
	execute('gcc -c {CFLAGS} -o{Object} {Source}')

c_includes := fun(Target) do
	var Files := []
	var Lines := shell('gcc -c {CFLAGS} -M -MG {Target:source}')
	var Files := Lines:trim:replace(r"\\\n ", "") / r"[^\\]( )"
	for File in Files do
		File := file(File:replace(r"\\ ", " "))
	return Files

var SourceTypes := {
	"c" is [c_includes, c_compile]

c_program := fun(Executable, Objects, Libraries) do
	Objects := Objects or []
	Libraries := Libraries or []
	var Sources := []
	for Object in Objects do
		for Extension, Functions in SourceTypes do
			var Source := Object % Extension
			if Source:exists then
				var Scan := Source:scan("INCLUDES", :true) => Functions[1]
				Object[Source, Scan] => Functions[2]
	Executable[Objects, Libraries] => fun(Executable) do
		execute('gcc', '-o', Executable, Objects, Libraries, LDFLAGS)
		DEBUG or execute('strip', Executable)



Everything in the Rabs build tree is considered a target. Every target has a unique id, and every unique id corresponds to a unique target. This means that when constructing a target anywhere in the build tree, if the construction results in the same id, then it will return the same target.

Every target has a (possibly empty) set of dependencies, i.e. targets that must be built before this target is built. Cyclic dependencies are not allowed, and will trigger an error.

Each run of Rabs is considered an iteration, and increments an internal iteration counter in the build database. In order to reduce unneccesary building for large project, at each iteration Rabs decides both whether a target needs to be built and whether, after building, it has actually changed.

If a target is missing (e.g. for the first build, when a new target is added to the build or for a file that is missing from the file system), then it needs to be built. Once built, the build database records two iteration values for each target:

  1. The last built iteration: when the target was last built.
  2. The last changed iteration: when the target was last changed.

Since a target can't change without being built, the last built iteration of a target is always greater or equal to the last changed iteration. The last built iteration of a target should be greater or equal to the last changed iteration of its dependencies.

While building, if a target has a last built iteration less than the last changed iteration of any of its dependencies, then it is rebuilt, and its last built iteration updated to the current iteration. Then it is checked for changes (using hashing, depending on the target type), and the last changed iteration updated if it has indeed changed. This will trigger other target to be rebuilt as required.


Rabs executes minilang code within contexts. Each context maintains its own set of variables, and is associated with a directory in the file system. This directory is used to resolve relative file paths evaluated within the context.

Contexts are hierarchical, each context has exactly one parent context (typically associated with the parent directory), and variables undefined in one context are searched for up the parent context chain. However, assigning a variable in a context only changes its value within that context and its children. This means the variables defined in a context are automatically available to child contexts and that parent values of variables can be extended or modified within a context and its children without affected its parents.

There is exactly one root context, associated with the root directory of the project / build.

New contexts are made when entering a child directory using subdir() or by calling scope().


Although variables can be used in Minilang to store values during the build process, these variables are not visible to child contexts, and they do not play any part in dependency tracking. Instead, symbols can be used for that purpose. These are created automatically whenever an identifier is referenced that has not been declared as a variable or builtin.

For example, in the following code, LOCAL_CFLAGS will only accessible within the current Minilang scope, as per normal lexical scoping rules. However, CFLAGS will also be accessible from any child context of the current one, including child directories.

var LOCAL_CFLAGS := ["-O2"]
CFLAGS := ["-O2"]

Ressigning a value to a symbol within a child context only affects that child context (and its children). For example, if CFLAGS is changed in a child context as follows:

CFLAGS := old + ["-march=native"]

Then CFLAGS will have the new value ["-O2", "-march=native"] within the child context (and its children). old in this case will refer to the value of the symbol before the assignment, i.e. the value of CFLAGS in the parent context. This allows child contexts to extend the values of symbols from their parents.

Symbols are targets. When used in a build function, an automatic dependency on that symbol is added to the target being built. Moreover, the value of the symbol in a build function is resolved within the context of the target being built.

For example, if we have the following _minibuild_ script in one directory:

CFLAGS := ["-O2"]

compile_c := fun(Target) do
	var Source := Target % "c"
	execute("gcc", CFLAGS, "-c", Source, "-o", Target)

var Main := file("main.o") => compile_c



And if the following _minibuild_ script is in the folder test:

CFLAGS := old + ["-march=native"]

var Test := file("test.o") => compile_c


Then main.o will be compiled with -O2, but test.o will be compiled with -O2 -march=native.

Project Layout

Rabs loads and executes code from build files named _minibuild_. When run, rabs first searches for the root _minibuild_ file by ascending directories until it finds a _minibuild_ file starting with -- ROOT --.

_minibuild_ files can be located in nested folders and loaded using subdir().

<Project root>
├── _minibuid_
├── <Sub folder>
|   ├── _minibuild_
|   ├── <Sub folder>
|   |   ├── _minibuild_
|   |   ├── <Files>
|   |   └── ...
|   └── ...
├── <Sub folder>
|   ├── _minibuild_
|   └── ...
└─── <Files>

Built-in Functions


Returns the name of the current context as a string.

scope(Name, Callback)

Creates a new child context (adding "::Name" onto the end of the name of the current context). Callback is then executed within that context. This is useful for adjusting the build flags independantly for different targets within the same directory.


Enters TargetDir and loads the file _minibuild_ within a new child context.

vmount(TargetDir, SourceDir)

Virtually mounts / overlays SourceDir over TargetDir during the build. This means that when a file whose path contains TargetDir is referenced, the build system will look an existing file in two locations and return whichever exists, or return the unchanged path if neither exists.

More specifically, in order to convert a file object with path TargetDir/path/filename to a full file path, the build system will

  1. return TargetDir/path/filename if a file exists at this path
  2. return SourceDir/path/filename if a file exists at this path
  3. return TargetDir/path/filename

Multiple virtual mounts can be nested, and the build system will try each possible location for an existing file and return that path, returning the unchanged path if the file does not exist in any location.

The typical use for this function is to overlay a source directory over the corresponding build output directory, so that build commands can be run in the output directory but reference source files as if they were in the same directory.


Creates a file target.


Creates a meta target.


Creates an expression target.


execute(Command, ...)

shell(Command, ...)

mkdir(File | String)

open(File | String, String)


  • Target[Dependencies...]: adds dependcies to Target. Dependencies can be individual dependencies or lists of dependencies which are expanded recursively. Returns Target.
  • Target => BuildFunction: sets the build function for Target.
  • Target:scan(Name): creates a scan target for Target.

File and Directory Targets

  • File:exists: returns File if File exists, otherwise nil.
  • File:open(Mode): opens File in read, write or append mode depending on Mode (r, w or a) and returns a file handle.
  • File:dir: returns the directory containing File.
  • File:basename: returns the name of File without its path or extension.
  • File % Extension: returns a new file target by replacing the extension of File with Extension.
  • File:copy(Dest): copies the contents of File to the file target at Dest.
  • Dir:mkdir: creates a directory (and all missing parent directories).
  • Dir:ls([Filter]): returns an iterator of files in Dir, filtered by an optional regular expression.
  • Dir / FileName: returns a new file target for the file called FileName in Dir.

Scan Targets

Meta Targets

Expression Targets

Symbol Targets

Other Builtin Features

File Handles

  • Handle:read(...)
  • Handle:write(...)
  • Handle:close