WRENCH's 1.0 release
WRENCH enables novel avenues for scientific workflow use, research, development, and education in the context of large-scale scientific computations and data analyses. WRENCH is an open-source library for developing simulators. WRENCH exposes several high-level simulation abstractions to provide high-level building blocks for developing custom simulators.
This release provides a set of (simulated) services that can be instantiated on the simulated platform:
- Compute Services (multi-core multi-host, virtualized cluster, cloud computing, and batch computing)
- Storage Service (including support for scratch space for computing nodes)
- File Registry Service (file replica catalog)
- Network Proximity Service (monitors the network and provide a database of host-to-host network distances)
- Workflow Management Systems (WMSs)
Documentation and additional information: http://wrench-project.org
WRENCH 101 Documentation: http://wrench-project.org/wrench/1.0/user/wrench-101.html