Extract, transfer, and load utilities for meta data on CSEP testing centers.
- clone repo on desired CSEP server
- run unit tests
python3 -m unittest -v tests
if there are any errors, please contact software@scec.org - run
python3 extract.py
multiple dispatchers can be added to the extract.py
script, or changed for different testing centers. please open an issue on the github repository to show any bugs or request new features.
print count of missing forecasts in each group
select name, count(Forecasts.rowid) from Forecasts where status='Missing' group by name;
list forecast groups and associated forecasts
select ForecastGroups.group_path, group_concat(distinct Forecasts.name) from ForecastGroups join Forecasts on ForecastGroups.forecastgroup_id=Forecasts.group_id group by ForecastGroups.group_name;
list name of missing forecasts and date
select ScheduledForecasts.date_time, group_concat(Forecasts.name) from Forecasts join ScheduledForecasts on Forecasts.schedule_id=ScheduledForecasts.scheduled_forecast_id where status='Missing' group by ScheduledForecasts.date_time;
list expected evaluation for each forecast
select ForecastGroups.group_name, group_concat(distinct Forecasts.name), group_concat(distinct Evaluations.name) from Evaluations join Forecasts on Evaluations.forecast_id=Forecasts.forecast_id join ForecastGroups on ForecastGroups.forecastgroup_id=Forecasts.group_id group by ForecastGroups.group_name order by ScheduledEvaluations.date_time;
enumerate the missing evaluations for each forecast
select Forecasts.name, Evaluations.name, count(Evaluations.rowid) from Evaluations join Forecasts on Evaluations.forecast_id=Forecasts.forecast_id where Evaluations.status="Missing" and not Forecasts.status="Missing" group by Forecasts.name, Evaluations.name;