- GitHub
- by topic: #whitespace-language, #whitespace, #whitespace-interpreter, #whitespace-compiler #whitespace-assembler #whitespace-generator
- by keywords: whitespace interpreter, whitespace compiler, whitespace jit, whitespace assembler, whitespace disassembler, whitespace implementation whitespace esoteric
- by language: whitespace language:"Witcher Script"
- by README content: "whitespace programming language", "whitespace interpreter"
- by file content: whitespace unbleach, compsoc.dur.ac.uk whitespace, "edwin brady" whitespace, whitespace *.ws), cerner *.ws
- by filename: bf.ws, calc.ws, count.ws, fact.ws, fibonacci.ws, hanoi.ws, hello.ws, hworld.ws, loctest.ws, name.ws, quine-2.ws, quine-copy.ws, quine.ws, rot13.ws, sbstr1.ws, whitespace.ws, *.wsa, *.wsasm
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- GitHub Gist: extension:ws, "whitespace interpreter", "whitespace compiler", "whitespace programming language", whitespace interpreter stack heap, whitespace unbleach, compsoc.dur.ac.uk whitespace
- GitLab: whitespace
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- Google Code: whitespace, schema, google-code-export
- Bitbucket: whitespace
- sourcehut: whitespace
- CodePlex: CodePlex Archive, repository zips, Archive Team
- Launchpad: whitespace
- Codeberg: whitespace
- darcs hub: homepage
- repo.or.cz: whitespace
- BerliOS: Archive Team, Archive Team grab, BerliOS on SourceForge, BackupTheBerlios
- GoDotNet: shutdown
- SSCLI.NET: shutdown
- Software Heritage archive: whitespace interpreter
- GitHub: forks, *.ws, vii5ard whitespace, github-artifact-exporter
- GitHub Gist: whitespace
- SourceForge: rsvndump
- Google Code: grass-mud-horse (SVN)
- CPAN (Perl): whitespace interpreter
- crates.io (Rust): whitespace interpreter, #whitespace
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- Hex (Erlang): whitespace
- Julia Packages (Julia): whitespace
- Maven (Java): whitespace
- npm (JavaScript): whitespace language, whitespace interpreter
- NuGet (.NET): whitespace
- opam (OCaml): whitespace
- Packagist (PHP): whitespace
- pkg.go.dev (Go): whitespace
- PyPI (Python): "whitespace interpreter", "whitespace language"
- RubyGems (Ruby): whitespace
- Swift Package Registry (Swift): whitespace
- FreeBSD Ports: lang/whitespace
- Internet Archive
- burghard.info
- hapyli.webs.com
- yagni.com
- wsdebug.berlios.de
- CompSoc: projects, summer-go, Sunday-pubs
- Chris Morris: personal CompSoc page, SourceForge profile
- Benjamin Lerman: Whitespace interpreter in Whitespace from C-like language, quines, possible university profile, possible research profile
- Dan Walrond: CompSoc talk
- UK Web Archive: whitespace programming language
- Internet Archive
- Durham CompSoc: download, mailing list
- mirror.ox.ac.uk
- dur.ac.uk/d.j.walrond
- Debian packages
- MediaWiki:
Manual:Parameters to Special:Export
- Rosetta Code: Category:Whitespace, Category:Whitespace User, Special:Export
- Wikipedia: Whitespace (programming language) [en], [ar], [ca], [cs], [de], [es], [eu], [fr], [hu], [hy], [it], [ja], [ko], [nl], [pl], [pt], [ro], [ru], [sr], [uk], [zh], Whitespace (Q378222), Special:Export
- Esolang: Whitespace, WhatLinksHere/Whitespace, Deadfish, Wiki dumps, Special:Export
- Progopedia: Whitespace [en], [ru], Editor's application
- C2: Whitespace Language
- Stack Overflow: #whitespace-language, #whitespace #esoteric-languages
- Data dumps: Where are the Stack Exchange data dumps?, Data dumps on the Internet Archive (updated quarterly), Stack Exchange Data Explorer (updated weekly)
- Code Golf: Sandbox
- Codewars: Whitespace Interpreter, Convert integer to Whitespace format
- Advent of Code
- yukicoder
- Sphere Online Judge: SBSTR1 (SO), Discuss
- Baekjoon Online Judge
- Esolang Battler
- knsctf: #7 Programming (on GitHub)
- ActiveState Code: #whitespace, GitHub
- Try It Online
- Attempt This Online
- Pastebin: archiveteam_pastebin, pastebinpastes, Archive Team
- Ideone: Whitespace IDE
- Reddit: r/esolangs, r/ProgrammingLanguages
- Interviews:
Slashdot: 2003-04-01
Twitter: @edwinbrady, whitespace (from:edwinbrady), whitespace (to:edwinbrady), whitespace @edwinbrady
Mastodon: @edwinb@types.pl
Hacker News: whitespace
Wrote a whitespace interpreter for a PL class in college. For kicks, the project writeup was converted to a whitespace program that would print the writeup when run. That program, composed entirely of whitespace, was submitted in place of the writeup. Fun times.
I've emailed the commenter with the contact info in their profile.
See it here in action: http://samy.pl/
This comment vaguely suggests, that something Whitespace-related may be there, but I've found nothing on their site, archived on IA, or their GitHub.
I and a few other students once cornered him to ask if he's the same Edwin Brady who wrote whitespace. He said no, it must be some other Edwin Brady. We returned later, with better evidence. He said "Ok, yes, it was me. But in my defense, I was drunk at the time." :)