Provide an easy way to use SEO on your application.
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Inertia\Response;
use LaravelToolkit\Facades\SEO;
use LaravelToolkit\SEO\Image;
class ExampleController
* Handle the incoming request.
public function __invoke(Request $request): Response
SEO::withTitle('Client Orders')
->withoutDescription('A long description of this page')
->withOpenGraphImage(new Image('public', 'seo.webp'))
->withTwitterCardImage(new Image('public', 'seo.webp', 'alt title'));
// If you want to remove a property you can call methods prefixed with `without`
return Inertia::render('Example');
On Inertia (If you use) middleware put:
public function share(Request $request): array
return [
'seo' => fn() => SEO::payload(),
On your views vue seo
blade component to this works on non JS crawlers
On your Vue layout load Head component to update head properties when navigate between pages.
<script lang="ts">
import {defineComponent} from "vue";
import {Head} from "laraveltoolkit";
export default defineComponent({
name: "TestLayout",
components: {
SEO facade also provide some utils methods
use LaravelToolkit\Facades\SEO;
// Returns true if request agent is a crawler
// or
SEO::isCrawler('user agent');
// Transform a human string into a pretty wrote url string
SEO::friendlyUrlString('A example of string!')
// returns 'a-example-of-string'
In conjunction with the Sitemap helpers, you can use the SEO facade to generate your Robots.txt.
There are 3 possibilities:
- Keep your
in the public folder, nothing will happen. - Change its name to
, so, the Sitemap helper will take the stub content and add the sitemap url every time the user accesses - Or finally, you can simply remove it and then and SEO facade will generate all then.
You can configura using the follow facade methods:
use LaravelToolkit\Facades\SEO;
// Disallow some path
SEO::withRobotsTxtRule('user_agent_name', null, collect(['disallow_this_path', 'this_other_too']));
// Allow some path
SEO::withRobotsTxtRule('*', collect(['allow_this_path', 'this_other_too']));
// Remove one user agent
// Remove all users agent
// Passing sitemap url
// Removing sitemap url
If you not pass sitemap url, will be used de default sitemap route (