An integrated circuit (IC) will be a combination of multiple IPs. Each IP usually have different analog designer, but often the IPs depend on each other.
For each IP one must have version control, and revision control (tags), which is handled nicely by git as long as the files are not too large (or binary)
For the IC, though, one must have the ability to use a specific revision (tag) of an IP, but allow the IP development to continue. As such, it's not feasible to have everything in one repo.
In addition to IPs, it's common to have a toolset of scripts, and those also need to be in the correct revision. In the beginning of a development the tools and IPs might be to a main branch, but at tapeout, it's important to lock the revision, so it's easy to go back to a old IC and run new simulations.
I needed a configuration tool, one that can pick the IPs, and get the right versions from git repositories.
Disclamer: I have not spent much time searching whether there is a tool that fits my purpose, but cicconf was quick to write, and I get something that matches exactly what I want. One alternative is git submodules, but I find that more of a hassle.
Clone the repository, and do
cd cicconf
python3 -m pip install --user -e .
cicconf will search the current directory for a config.yaml file. An example config.yaml
ip: tech_sky130B/cicconf/ip_template.yaml
project: rply
technology: sky130nm
revision: main
revision: main
The option section has some custom fields to tell cicconf how new IPs should be named. The ip_template contains the instructions for creating an IP, for example ip_template.yaml
The rest follows a simple pattern
remote: <git url>
revision: <git branch|tag|hash>
Construct a config.yaml of your desire (see config.yaml for a more extensive example). Then run
cicconf clone
For latest command, check cicconf --help
Usage: cicconf [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Options: --help Show this message and exit. Commands: clone Clone repositories in config file newip Create a new IP with name <project>_<name>_<technology> The... status Report the status of each of the configured IPs update Update all ips to correct branch according to config file