A profile-based and feature-based hybrid algorithm for retention time alignment of SWATH MS data
Update: Sep. 15, 2016 Authors: Long Wu, Sabine Amon, Henry Lam
If you have any question about this manual, feel free to ask lwuai @ connect [dot] ust [dot] hk for help.
- Retention time alignment tool: lwbmatch
- Generte ground truth from identification results: groundtruth
- Recall and precision calculator: recallprecision
- Boost (Version >= 1.52)
- CMake (Version >= 3.2)
- g++ (Version >= 4.8.4)
$ cd /path/to/sourcecode
$ cmake .; make install
Then we get lwbmatch, groundtruth and recallprecision in /path/to/source/bin.
$ wget http://nesvilab.org/tsouc/DIA_Umpire_SampleDataUPS.zip
$ unzip DIA_Umpire_SampleDataUPS.zip
$ FileConverter -threads 18 -in_type mzXML -in [inputmzXML] -out [outputname].tmp.mzML -out_type mzML
$ FileFilter -threads 18 -in_type mzML -in [outputname].tmp.mzML -out [outputname].mzML -out_type mzML
$ FeatureFinderCentroided -threads 18 -in [outputname].mzML -out [outputname].featureXML
FileName: test.featureXMLList Write the two lines into this file, replace the /path/to/outputname with your own filename
$ ./lwbmatch -l /path/to/test.featureXMLList -w 2
Attention: To run LWBMatch successfully, both the mzXML and featureXML of the two replicates are needed. LWBMatch need to mzXML to calculate do the first phase alignment by DTW on MS1 spectra.
$ ./lwbmatch -l /path/to/test.featureXML -w 1
$ java -jar -Xmx16G /path/to/DIA_Umpire_SE.jar inputmzXML [diaumpire_configurefile]
There will be three mzXML with Q1 ~ Q3 in name, we use one with Q1.
Instructions for downloading DIA-Umpire and its default parameter [diaumpire_configurefile]
from this page
Fileanme: diaumpire.se_params -
Find DiA-Umpire from this page
We use: DIA-Umpire_v1_284.zip -
Unzip DIA-Umpire_v1_284.zip and use DIA_Umpire_SE.jar
$ msconvert --mzXML -o [outputpath] [inputfile_Q1.mgf]
$ /path/to/comet -P[parameterfile] [inputfile1_Q1.mzXML] [inputfile2_Q1.mzXML]
Find Comet from this page
We use comet version 2013.01 rev. 0
input: search result file *.pep.xml output: *.ipro.pep.xml For more information, please refer to this page
$ /path/to/groundtruth [filename:2] [mzXMLListtxtName_contains_two_mzXML_filename] [ipropepxml] [threshold_for_filter_default_0.9] [groundtruth_filename] [dummy_parameter:1]
$ /path/to/recallprecision [groundtruth_filename] [RTAlignResult_with_extension_resu] [mz_tolerance:0.1] [rt_tolerance: 1 ~ 25]