Track metrics and store them in an Influx database, with secondary logging if Influx is unavailable or invalid input is provided.
yarn add @ovotech/influx-metrics-tracker
import { createInfluxConnection, MetricsTracker } from '@ovotech/influx-metrics-tracker';
import { Logger } from '@ovotech/winston-logger';
import { InfluxDB, ISingleHostConfig } from 'influx';
import * as winston from 'winston';
// Define a specific tracker
class PerformanceMetricsTracker extends MetricsTracker {
private static queryTimeMeasurementName = 'query-time';
async trackQueryTime(timeMs: number, queryName: string) {
await this.trackPoint(
{ queryName },
{ timeMs: Math.round(timeMs) },
// Create Logger and Influx instances
const winstonLogger = winston.createLogger(...);
const logger = new Logger(winstonLogger, { traceToken: req.headers['X-Trace-Token'] });
const influx = createInfluxConnection(process.env);
// Create the tracker
const metricsMeta = {
extraTagName: 'some-value',
const tracker = new PerformanceMetricsTracker(influx, logger, metricsMeta);
// Track a point
await tracker.trackQueryTime(12.34, 'myFirstQuery')
As well as a base class that allows you to define custom trackers, there are pre-defined trackers for common operations. These allow services to use a common interface and not re-implement the same functionality.
- track information about calling other servicesKafkaMetricsTracker
- track actions around the lifecycle of Kafka eventsResponseMetricsTracker
- track information about responses from an API
Then you can run the tests with:
yarn test
Style is maintained with prettier and tslint
yarn lint
Deployment is preferment by lerna automatically on merge / push to master, but you'll need to bump the package version numbers yourself. Only updated packages with newer versions will be pushed to the npm registry.
Have a bug? File an issue with a simple example that reproduces this so we can take a look & confirm.
Want to make a change? Submit a PR, explain why it's useful, and make sure you've updated the docs (this file) and the tests (see test folder).
This project is licensed under Apache 2 - see the LICENSE file for details