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Gitops State

Service and tools for bootstraping and updating software from git repositories.

  • templating of new gitops repositories with
  • secure bootstraping execution from git repositories
    • using and
    • private git repositories accessable by ssh key
    • git-crypt encrypted repositories
  • timer, webhook and direct calling of a git repository based update service
    • defaults to saltstack as update state reconciler
    • errors and warnings are written to Sentry
    • prometheus metrics about the update
    • https webhook support in combination with state http_frontend
  • support for interactive remote tinker with by syncing local working tree changes to the remote on demand
  • standalone one file saltstack execution with salt-shared included
  • part of machine-bootstrap's optional devop installation step

create a gitops repository

/path/to/ ~/work mymachine \
    git.server.domain gituser user@email --no-remote

bootstrap from a gitops repository

target_domain=""; ssh_id=""; gpg_id=""; ssh_known_hosts=""; http_proxy=""
gitops_source=""; gitops_branch=""; gitops_user=""; gitops_target=""; base_name=""
# copy script to target
curl "$from_git" > /tmp/
scp /tmp/ ssh://$target_domain/tmp/
# pipe ssh_id, gpg_id and ssh_known_hosts to ssh on target and execute script there
printf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" "$ssh_id" "$gpg_id" "$ssh_known_hosts" | \
    ssh ssh://$target_domain "
        chmod +x /tmp/ &&
        http_proxy=\"$http_proxy\" && export http_proxy &&
        /tmp/ bootstrap \
            --url \"$gitops_source\" \
            --branch \"${gitops_branch:-master}\" \
            --user \"$gitops_user\" \
            --home \"$gitops_target\" \
            --git-dir \"${gitops_target}/${base_name}\" \
            --keys-from-stdin && \
        ${gitops_target}/${base_name}/salt/salt-shared/gitops/ \
            --minion-etc run ${gitops_target}/${base_name} \

one shot saltstack template, no repository execution

  • execute on target
set -eo pipefail
self_path=$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")
if test "$1" != "--yes"; then
    echo "Usage: $0 --yes [salt-call param, default=state.highstate]"; exit 1
shift; args="$@"; if test "$args" = ""; then args="state.highstate"; fi
if ! which git > /dev/null; then DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y git; fi
mkdir -p $self_path/run $self_path/salt/local $self_path/config
git -C $self_path/salt clone
printf "base:\n  '*':\n    - main\n" > $self_path/salt/local/top.sls
printf "base:\n  '*':\n    - main\n" > $self_path/config/top.sls
cat > $self_path/config/main.sls << EOF
# pillar

cat > $self_path/salt/local/main.sls << EOF
# states

exec $self_path/salt/salt-shared/gitops/ \
      --minion-etc run $self_path "$args"

interactive remote tinker

  • bootstrapped remote machine is running
  • on local: sync
  • loop until done:
    • on local: make changes in local files
    • on remote: cd $src_dir; /usr/local/sbin/ . state.highstate test=true
  • done
  • on local: hard_reset --yes

gitops repository based Update System


Can be triggered via webhook, systemd timer, or manual via systemctl start gitops-update

Execute the following steps, any step that fails stops executing later steps:

  • validate: check the validity of the update, must not interrupt services!
    • default is . state.highstate mock=true
  • before: executed before "update", may stop services that may get restarted on finish
  • update: the acutal update command, default is . state.highstate
  • after: executed after "update" did run sucessful, eg. for metric processing
  • finish: is executed after "after" was sucessful and machine does not need a reboot eg. to restart services that got stopped


  before_cmd: /usr/bin/systemctl stop xyz
  after_cmd: /usr/bin/bash '. /usr/local/lib/; simple_metric test_update_run counter "timestamp of update run" "$(date +%s)"'
  finish_cmd: /usr/bin/systemctl start --no-block xyz

Flags set and recognized

  • gitops.update.failed
  • gitops.update.disabled
  • gitops.update.force
  • reboot.unattended.disabled

Tags set and recognized

  • gitops_failed_rev
  • gitops_current_rev

Prometheus Metrics

  • update_start_timestamp counter "timestamp-epoch-seconds since last update to app"
  • update_duration_sec gauge "number of seconds for a update run"
  • update_reboot_timestamp counter "timestamp-epoch-seconds since update requested reboot"
  • ssl_cert_valid_until gauge "timestamp of certificate validity end date"

Sentry Messages

  • info

    • Gitops Execution "Frontend Ready"
  • warning

    • SSL Warning "Certificate for $subject_cn is less than $min_days days valid\nValidity end date=$valid_until"
  • error

    • Gitops Attention "node needs reboot, human attention required"
    • Gitops Error "(validate_cmd|before_cmd|update_cmd|after_cmd|finish_cmd) failed with error $result"
    • Service Error "Service ($UNITNAME) failed" "$(unit_json_status)"
    • SSL Error "Certificate for $subject_cn is less than $min_days days valid\nValidity end date=$valid_until"