Example API with framework FastAPI and database Rqlite with authentication
- Python 3.7.3
- Pip 18.1
- Docker 19.03
Before run application, we need run the rqlite database with auth.
make run_database
Create virtualenv, install dependencies and run:
Or just run with: make run_api
# run database
make run_database
# in another terminal build and run API
make run
Access to localhost:8000/docs and be happy.
Make GET/PUT/POST/DELETE methods in /docs endpoint.
To clean database and cache, execute: make clean
- GET localhost:8000/: Get all items.
- GET localhost:8000/[id]: Get single item.
- PUT localhost:8000/: Insert task.
- POST localhost:8000/: Insert/update task.
- DELETE localhost:8000/[id]: Delete single item.