After learning "Making an OS in 30 days", I made this OS for study & fun. This Os is writen by assembly and C.
document added, you could use Doxygen to generate document.
###Supported Function:###
- task shedule
- windows management (double buffer)
- mem management
- console supported
- simple API supported
- GB2312 charset supported
- timer supported
###Unsupported Function:###
- file system
- auido
- ....
###How To Build### There are two build platforms
- Windows + Cygwin
- Linux + Wine
######On Windows : ######
You should install Cygwin ( install rm, cp, make & cat ) to build the OS.
Open your Cygwin terminal and do next steps.
[user@Localhost]$ chmod +x ./z_tools/*
[user@Localhost]$ cd src
[user@Localhost]$ make IMG # to generate OS.img, If failed first time, make again
######On Linux : ######
Install wine first. You could use "yum" or "apt-get" to do this operation.
[user@Localhost]$ cd src
[user@Localhost]$ make IMG # to generate OS.img, If failed first time, make again
###How To Run### Use OS.img as floopy img to boot with Virtual Machines software.
In OS you could operate as a windows.
Use "Win + F1" to open a new console.
Use "Alt + F4" to terminate a program.