Releases: wwylab/MuSE
Fixed the issue that if the input BAM files include multi read groups, MuSE may discard some calls.
Include an automated pipeline designed for rapid consensus mutation calling, MuSE.Snakemake. This pipeline automates the generation of consensus somatic mutation calls from NGS data for cancer patient cohorts, starting with BAM or FASTQ files and using a sequence of preprocessing steps followed by the intersection of calls from MuSE 2 and Strelka2. It is optimized for HPC environments, reducing manual task curation and complexity.
Fixed a bug caused by race condition that may lead to the MuSE call
step hanging at a random genomic location.
This release fixed a bug that OpenMP was disabled for MuSE sump
in V2.0.2.
This release fixed an issue related to call mutations from BAM files with multiple read groups.
It now works for both BAMs with only one read group or with multiple read groups.
This release includes updates for the speedup in the MuSE sump step. It now can use multiple cores. Please specify how many cores used in this step in the '-n' option in the MuSE sump command.
We have now released MuSE 2.0, which is powered by parallel computing by taking advantage of multi-core resource on a machine, and a more efficient way of memory allocation. MuSE 2.0 takes the same input files and outputs the same results as MuSE 1.0. It achieves 40-50x speedup compared to MuSE 1.0.