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An attempt at using Bazel, Protobuf, and Go without interference

This is an attempt at getting Bazel, Protobuf, and Go to work nicely together without too many hacks or workarounds.


The google-cloud-go migration feels like the trigger for all of this. Some packages are migrated, some aren't, and there are aliases all over the place that occasionally seem to conflict in strange ways.

With the latest, unpatched versions of Gazelle and rules_go, the projects in this repository are not buildable. They build with native Go tooling, but not with Bazel.

The Example projects

  • visionv1/ references the valid-but-not-explicitly-deprecated v1 Google Vision API. This target is set up to ensure references to our own Protobuf generated code, the package, and the package to ensure they all build and link correctly.
  • visionv2/ references the v2 Google Vision API as well as some well-known types for fun.
  • legacy pulls in the v1 Go Protobuf well-known types (which are now just aliases to the v2 generated code), as well as the v2 anypb WKT and our own generated Protobuf code.

To reproduce the problems with these projects, rip out the patches in WORKSPACE, the directives in BUILD, re-run Gazelle, and observe that we encounter lovely problems like this:

external/com_google_cloud_go_longrunning/longrunning.go:60:10: cannot use inner (variable of type *"".OperationsClient) as type operationsClient in struct literal:
        *"".OperationsClient does not implement operationsClient (wrong type for CancelOperation method)
                have CancelOperation(ctx context.Context, req *longrunningpb.CancelOperationRequest, opts ...gax.CallOption) error
                want CancelOperation(context.Context, *"".CancelOperationRequest, ...gax.CallOption) error


I'm simply not interested in having the build tools apply special handling to Google's APIs, Protobuf imports, Protobuf well-known types, or anything of the sort. It's convenient when it works, but when it doesn't work, it's incredibly frustrating and impossible to remove or disable without patching in Bazel. This repository intends to illustrate the necessary patches to remove or disable some of this magic functionality.

I'm sure there are historical reasons for why the special handling is in place for well-known types and Google APIs, but I don't believe it's necessary anymore and it conflicts with the native Go tooling. When my Go code imports a package like, I want Bazel to follow the same path for resolving that package that the native Go tooling would follow.

I'm okay with needing to manually specify resolution rules for Protobuf imports of files like google/protobuf/any.proto via Gazelle directives, as illustrated in BUILD. I'd prefer the explicit control of how those imports resolve to dependencies for proto_library and go_proto_library targets. I'm aware that the published Go packages may not exactly match the generated code from the Protobuf that may be referenced, but I'm fine with this theoretical limitation because the overwhelming majority of the Go ecosystem faces the same fate.


  • I've configured the //:gazelle-update-repos target to set build_file_proto_mode = "disable_global" for all Go dependencies. I want the same dependency behavior that I would get with native Go tooling.
  • I've patched Gazelle to remove any special handling for Protobuf well-known types.
  • I've patched Gazelle to remove any special handling for imports of Google Cloud Protobuf packages, or any reference to @go_googleapis.
  • I've patched rules_go to remove the @com_github_golang_protobuf and @org_golang_google_genproto repositories and their patches. I want to use these repositories directly as a go_repository.
  • I've patched rules_go to change the well-known type targets to aliases so that third-party packages like grpc-gateway that reference @io_bazel_rules_go//proto/wkt targets behave correctly when referenced as a go_repository.
  • I've included @com_google_googleapis directly and specified Gazelle directives to point to it as necessary from Protobuf. I've also patched it to fix an incorrect go_package option.

The Result

Everything builds under Bazel and under Go native tooling. Rejoice. I think it would be nice if the ecosystem could move in this direction if there aren't any major downsides I'm missing. It could be helpful to provide a default set of directives people can use for setting up Gazelle to understand Go resolution, but it would be nice if this was explicit instead of magical like it is now.


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