77 - System Operations
OP Code (Hexidecimal) | Operation1 | Description | Gas |
0xf0 | CREATE 3 1 | Create a new account with associated code | 32000 |
0xf1 | CALL 7 1 | Message-call into an account | Complicated |
0xf2 | CALLCODE 7 1 | Message-call into this account with an alternative account’s code | Complicated |
0xf3 | RETURN 2 0 | Halt execution returning output data | 0 |
0xf4 | DELEGATECALL 6 1 | Message-call into this account with an alternative account’s code, but persisting the current values for sender and value | Complicated |
0xf5 | CREATE2 4 1 | Create a new account with associated code | Varies |
0xfa | STATICCALL 6 1 | Static message-call into an account | 40 |
0xfd | REVERT 2 0 | Halt execution reverting state changes but returning data and remaining gas | 0 |
0xfe | INVALID ∅ ∅ | Designated invalid instruction | 0 |
0xff | SELFDESTRUCT 1 0 | Halt execution and register account for later deletion | 50002 |