68 - Theo
Theo is an exploitation tool with a Metasploit-like interface, drops you into a Python REPL console, where you can use the available features to do smart contract reconnaissance, check the storage, run exploits or frontrun or backrun transactions targeting a specific smart contract.
- Automatic smart contract scanning which generates a list of possible exploits
- Sending transactions to exploit a smart contract
- Transaction pool monitor
- Web3 console
- Frontrunning and backrunning transactions
- Waiting for a list of transactions and sending out others
- Estimating gas for transactions means only successful transactions are sent
- Disabling gas estimation will send transactions with a fixed gas quantity.
- Security Tool
- ConsenSys Diligence
- Exploitation Tool
- Metasploit-like Interface -> Python REPL
- Reconnaissance -> Exploit -> Fron/Back run