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Aranaktu edited this page Oct 7, 2021 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the FIFA 22 Career Mode Cheat Table wiki!

Don't use it in online game modes!

What is Cheat Table?

"Cheat Tables" is a file format used by Cheat Engine to store data such as cheat addresses, scripts including Lua scripts and code locations

I recommend to use Cheat Engine 7.3 or newer for the FIFA 22 cheat table.

The FIFA 22 Career Mode Cheat Table allows you to modify many aspects of you career mode. For example you can edit players (potential, attributes, name etc.), transfer budget, boost/nerf players development, play single career for more than 15 seasons, change weather/stadium/time of the day before match, send youth academy scout to any country... and many more!

This cheat table has also an graphical user interface (GUI) which makes editing a little bit easier for inexperienced users.

Current Features available in the latest version of FIFA 22 CM Cheat Table

  • Non-CM Related
    • Dont Pause Game on AltTab (desc)
    • Game Settings
      • Camera (desc)
        • Camera Height
        • Camera Zoom
        • Pro Camera Zoom
        • Pro Camera Speed
        • Pro Camera Swing
    • Free Fly Camera (desc)
      • Use Gamepad for camera movement
      • Disable Zoom
      • Camera rotation multiplier
      • Camera move speed
      • X
      • Y
      • Z
      • RotV
      • RotH
      • Zoom
  • FIFA Database Tables
    • Players Table
      • Player Info
        • playerid
        • nationality
        • modifier
        • overallrating
        • potential
        • preferredposition1
        • preferredposition2
        • preferredposition3
        • preferredposition4
        • preferredfoot
        • firstnameid
        • lastnameid
        • commonnameid
        • playerjerseynameid
        • attackingworkrate
        • defensiveworkrate
        • playerjointeamdate
        • contractvaliduntil
        • internationalrep
        • skillmoveslikelihood
        • skillmoves
        • weakfootabilitytypecode
        • birthdate
        • isretiring
        • gender
      • CARD
        • pacdiv
        • driref
        • shohan
        • defspe
        • paskic
        • phypos
      • Attributes
        • Technical
          • dribbling
          • standingtackle
          • slidingtackle
          • crossing
          • shortpassing
          • ballcontrol
          • headingaccuracy
          • longpassing
          • marking
          • curve
          • volleys
          • freekickaccuracy
          • shotpower
          • finishing
          • longshots
          • penalties
        • Physical
          • jumping
          • strength
          • balance
          • stamina
          • acceleration
          • agility
          • sprintspeed
        • Mental
          • positioning
          • reactions
          • composure
          • interceptions
          • aggression
          • vision
        • Goalkeeping
          • gkdiving
          • gkhandling
          • gkkicking
          • gkpositioning
          • gkreflexes
      • Traits
        • Traits 1
          • Long Throw-in
          • Power FK
          • Injury Prone
          • Solid Player
          • Dives into Tackles (CPU)
          • Unused
          • Leadership
          • Early Crosser
          • Finesse Shot
          • Flair
          • Long Passer (CPU)
          • Long Shot Taker (CPU)
          • Speed Dribbler (CPU)
          • Playmaker (CPU)
          • GK Long Throw
          • Power Header
          • Giant Throw-in
          • Outside Foot Shot
          • Swerve Pass
          • Second Wind
          • Flair Passes
          • Bicycle Kicks
          • GK Flat Kick
          • One Club Player
          • Team Player
          • Chip Shot (CPU)
          • Technical Dribbler (CPU)
          • GK Rushes Out of Goal
          • GK Cautious with Crosses
          • GK Comes for Crosses
        • Traits 2
          • Unused
          • GK Saves with Feet
          • Set Play Specialist
      • Accessories
        • gkglovetypecode
        • smallsidedshoetypecode
        • shoetypecode
        • shoecolorcode1
        • shoecolorcode2
        • shoedesigncode
        • accessorycode1
        • accessorycode2
        • accessorycode3
        • accessorycode4
        • accessorycolourcode1
        • accessorycolourcode2
        • accessorycolourcode3
        • accessorycolourcode4
      • Appearance
        • headassetid
        • headtypecode
        • hairtypecode
        • height
        • weight
        • haircolorcode
        • eyecolorcode
        • facialhaircolorcode
        • headclasscode
        • skintypecode
        • skintonecode
        • hashighqualityhead
        • headvariation
        • bodytypecode
        • hairstylecode
        • sideburnscode
        • facialhairtypecode
        • eyebrowcode
        • tattooback
        • tattoofront
        • tattoohead
        • tattooleftarm
        • tattooleftleg
        • tattoorightarm
        • tattoorightleg
        • shortstyle
        • jerseyfit
        • jerseysleevelengthcode
        • socklengthcode
      • Other
        • avatarpomid
        • gkkickstyle
        • gksavetype
        • faceposerpreset
        • emotion
        • hasseasonaljersey
        • personality
        • animfreekickstartposcode
        • animpenaltiesstartposcode
        • runstylecode
        • runningcode1
        • runningcode2
        • finishingcode1
        • finishingcode2
        • iscustomized
        • usercaneditname
    • Editedplayernames Table
      • firstname
      • commonname
      • playerjerseyname
      • surname
      • playerid
    • Dcplayernames Table
      • nameid
      • name
    • Teamplayerlinks Table
      • artificialkey
      • form
      • injury
      • isamongtopscorers
      • isamongtopscorersinteam
      • istopscorer
      • jerseynumber
      • leagueappearances
      • leaguegoals
      • leaguegoalsprevmatch
      • leaguegoalsprevthreematches
      • playerid
      • position
      • reds
      • teamid
      • yellows
    • Teams Table
      • assetid
      • attackrating
      • ballid
      • buildupplay
      • captainid
      • chancecreation
      • cityid
      • clubworth
      • crowdregion
      • crowdskintonecode
      • defenserating
      • defensivedepth
      • defensivestyle
      • defensivewidth
      • domesticcups
      • domesticprestige
      • ethnicity
      • favoriteteamsheetid
      • flamethrowercannon
      • form
      • foundationyear
      • freekicktakerid
      • genericbanner
      • genericint1
      • genericint2
      • goalnetstanchioncolor1b
      • goalnetstanchioncolor1g
      • goalnetstanchioncolor1r
      • goalnetstanchioncolor2b
      • goalnetstanchioncolor2g
      • goalnetstanchioncolor2r
      • haslargeflag
      • hasstandingcrowd
      • hassubstitutionboard
      • hastifo
      • hasvikingclap
      • internationalprestige
      • isbannerenabled
      • iscompetitioncrowdcardsenabled
      • iscompetitionpoleflagenabled
      • iscompetitionscarfenabled
      • jerseytype
      • latitude
      • leaguetitles
      • leftcornerkicktakerid
      • leftfreekicktakerid
      • longitude
      • longkicktakerid
      • matchdayattackrating
      • matchdaydefenserating
      • matchdaymidfieldrating
      • matchdayoverallrating
      • midfieldrating
      • numtransfersin
      • offensivestyle
      • offensivewidth
      • opponentstrongthreshold
      • opponentweakthreshold
      • overallrating
      • penaltytakerid
      • personalityid
      • pitchcolor
      • pitchlinecolor
      • pitchwear
      • playersinboxcorner
      • playersinboxcross
      • playersinboxfk
      • playsurfacetype
      • popularity
      • powid
      • presassetone
      • presassettwo
      • prev_el_champ
      • profitability
      • rightcornerkicktakerid
      • rightfreekicktakerid
      • rivalteam
      • skinnyflags
      • stadiumgoalnetpattern
      • stadiumgoalnetstyle
      • stadiummowpattern_code
      • stanchionflamethrower
      • teamcolor1b
      • teamcolor1g
      • teamcolor1r
      • teamcolor2b
      • teamcolor2g
      • teamcolor2r
      • teamcolor3b
      • teamcolor3g
      • teamcolor3r
      • teamid
      • teamname
      • teamstadiumcapacity
      • trainingstadium
      • trait1vequal
      • trait1vstrong
      • trait1vweak
      • transferbudget
      • uefa_cl_wins
      • uefa_consecutive_wins
      • uefa_el_wins
      • uefa_uecl_wins
      • utcoffset
      • youthdevelopment
    • Leagueteamlinks Table
      • actualvsexpectations
      • artificialkey
      • awaydraws
      • awayga
      • awaygf
      • awaylosses
      • awaywins
      • champion
      • currenttableposition
      • grouping
      • hasachievedobjective
      • highestpossible
      • highestprobable
      • homedraws
      • homega
      • homegf
      • homelosses
      • homewins
      • lastgameresult
      • leagueid
      • nummatchesplayed
      • objective
      • points
      • previousyeartableposition
      • prevleagueid
      • teamform
      • teamid
      • teamlongform
      • teamshortform
      • unbeatenallcomps
      • unbeatenaway
      • unbeatenhome
      • unbeatenleague
      • yettowin
    • Manager Table
      • bodytypecode
      • commonname
      • ethnicity
      • eyebrowcode
      • eyecolorcode
      • faceposerpreset
      • facialhaircolorcode
      • facialhairtypecode
      • firstname
      • gender
      • haircolorcode
      • hairstylecode
      • hairtypecode
      • hashighqualityhead
      • headassetid
      • headclasscode
      • headtypecode
      • headvariation
      • height
      • managerid
      • nationality
      • outfitid
      • personalityid
      • seasonaloutfitid
      • sideburnscode
      • skintonecode
      • skintypecode
      • surname
      • teamid
      • weight
    • career_calendar Table
      • currdate
      • dateid
      • enddate
      • objectivecheckdate
      • setupdate
      • startdate
      • transferwindowend1
      • transferwindowend2
      • transferwindowstart1
      • transferwindowstart2
    • career_users Table
      • agentname
      • clubteamid
      • firstname
      • goalnews
      • leagueid
      • leagueseasonmessagesent
      • nationalityid
      • nationalteamid
      • playertype
      • primarycompobjid
      • seasoncount
      • sponsorid
      • surname
      • userid
      • usertype
      • wage
    • career_playercontract Table
      • contract_date
      • contract_status
      • duration_months
      • isperformancebonusachieved
      • last_status_change_date
      • loan_wage_split
      • performancebonuscount
      • performancebonuscountachieved
      • performancebonustype
      • performancebonusvalue
      • playerid
      • playerrole
      • signon_bonus
      • teamid
      • wage
    • default_mentalities Table
      • buildupplay
      • chancecreation
      • defensivedepth
      • defensivestyle
      • defensivewidth
      • formationaudioid
      • formationfullnameid
      • mentalityid
      • offensivestyle
      • offensivewidth
      • offset0x
      • offset0y
      • offset10x
      • offset10y
      • offset1x
      • offset1y
      • offset2x
      • offset2y
      • offset3x
      • offset3y
      • offset4x
      • offset4y
      • offset5x
      • offset5y
      • offset6x
      • offset6y
      • offset7x
      • offset7y
      • offset8x
      • offset8y
      • offset9x
      • offset9y
      • playerid0
      • playerid1
      • playerid10
      • playerid2
      • playerid3
      • playerid4
      • playerid5
      • playerid6
      • playerid7
      • playerid8
      • playerid9
      • playerinstruction0_1
      • playerinstruction0_2
      • playerinstruction10_1
      • playerinstruction10_2
      • playerinstruction1_1
      • playerinstruction1_2
      • playerinstruction2_1
      • playerinstruction2_2
      • playerinstruction3_1
      • playerinstruction3_2
      • playerinstruction4_1
      • playerinstruction4_2
      • playerinstruction5_1
      • playerinstruction5_2
      • playerinstruction6_1
      • playerinstruction6_2
      • playerinstruction7_1
      • playerinstruction7_2
      • playerinstruction8_1
      • playerinstruction8_2
      • playerinstruction9_1
      • playerinstruction9_2
      • playersinboxcorner
      • playersinboxcross
      • playersinboxfk
      • position0
      • position1
      • position10
      • position2
      • position3
      • position4
      • position5
      • position6
      • position7
      • position8
      • position9
      • sourceformationid
      • teamid
    • default_teamsheets Table
      • captainid
      • customsub0in
      • customsub0out
      • customsub1in
      • customsub1out
      • customsub2in
      • customsub2out
      • freekicktakerid
      • leftcornerkicktakerid
      • leftfreekicktakerid
      • longkicktakerid
      • penaltytakerid
      • playerid0
      • playerid1
      • playerid10
      • playerid11
      • playerid12
      • playerid13
      • playerid14
      • playerid15
      • playerid16
      • playerid17
      • playerid18
      • playerid19
      • playerid2
      • playerid20
      • playerid21
      • playerid22
      • playerid23
      • playerid24
      • playerid25
      • playerid26
      • playerid27
      • playerid28
      • playerid29
      • playerid3
      • playerid30
      • playerid31
      • playerid32
      • playerid33
      • playerid34
      • playerid35
      • playerid36
      • playerid37
      • playerid38
      • playerid39
      • playerid4
      • playerid40
      • playerid41
      • playerid42
      • playerid43
      • playerid44
      • playerid45
      • playerid46
      • playerid47
      • playerid48
      • playerid49
      • playerid5
      • playerid50
      • playerid51
      • playerid6
      • playerid7
      • playerid8
      • playerid9
      • rightcornerkicktakerid
      • rightfreekicktakerid
      • teamid
  • Club Finances
    • Transfer Budget
  • Editing Player
    • Player Data (desc)
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Known As
      • Kit Name
      • Birth Year
      • Birth Month
      • Birth Day
      • Kit Number
  • Training
    • Manager CM
      • Players Development (desc)
        • Bonus Exp
        • Exp Multiplier
        • Boost only players
          • PlayerID 1
          • PlayerID 2
          • PlayerID 3
          • PlayerID 4
          • PlayerID 5
          • PlayerID 6
          • PlayerID 7
          • PlayerID 8
          • PlayerID 9
          • PlayerID 10
          • PlayerID 11
          • PlayerID 12
          • PlayerID 13
          • PlayerID 14
          • PlayerID 15
          • PlayerID 16
          • PlayerID 17
          • PlayerID 18
          • PlayerID 19
          • PlayerID 20
          • PlayerID 21
          • PlayerID 22
          • PlayerID 23
          • PlayerID 24
          • PlayerID 25
          • PlayerID 26
          • PlayerID 27
          • PlayerID 28
          • PlayerID 29
          • PlayerID 30
    • Created Player CM
      • Grade Achieved XP (desc)
        • Value
  • Manager
    • Manager Rating - 99 (desc)
    • Manager Never Retire (desc)
    • Make ManagerID editable (desc)
      • ManagerID
  • Hire Scouts (desc)
    • Free 5/5 Scouts (desc)
    • Detailed Info
      • Scout 1
        • Nationality
        • Experience
        • Judgment
        • Cost
        • First Name
        • Last Name
      • Scout 2
        • Nationality
        • Experience
        • Judgment
        • Cost
        • First Name
        • Last Name
      • Scout 3
        • Nationality
        • Experience
        • Judgment
        • Cost
        • First Name
        • Last Name
      • Scout 4
        • Nationality
        • Experience
        • Judgment
        • Cost
        • First Name
        • Last Name
      • Scout 5
        • Nationality
        • Experience
        • Judgment
        • Cost
        • First Name
        • Last Name
  • Job Offers (desc)
    • Club Team
      • Club Team ID
      • Wage
      • Optional (only visual change)
        • League ID
        • Table Position
        • W
        • D
        • L
    • National Team
      • National Team ID
      • Objective - World Cup
      • Objective - Continent Cup
  • Play As Player
    • Positive decision on transfer request (desc)
    • Create Transfer Offer (desc)
      • New Team ID
      • Current Team ID
      • Transfer SUM
      • Wage
    • 999 Skill Points (desc)
  • Fitness
    • Set at 100 on change (desc)
    • Mass Edit
      • Your Team
        • Heal All Players (desc)
        • Refill all players energy (desc)
  • Morale
    • Mass edit players morale in team
      • All Players - Very Unhappy (desc)
      • All Players - Unhappy (desc)
      • All Players - Content (desc)
      • All Players - Happy (desc)
      • All Players - Very Happy (desc)
  • Form
    • Mass edit players form in team
      • All Players - Bad Form (desc)
      • All Players - Poor Form (desc)
      • All Players - Okay Form (desc)
      • All Players - Good Form (desc)
      • All Players - Excellent Form (desc)
  • Sharpness
    • Set at 100 on change (desc)
    • Mass Edit
      • Whole Game
        • All Players - 1 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 10 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 30 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 50 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 75 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 100 Sharpness (desc)
      • Your Team
        • All Players - 1 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 10 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 30 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 50 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 75 Sharpness (desc)
        • All Players - 100 Sharpness (desc)
  • Youth Academy (desc)
    • Generate new report (desc)
    • Generate players with custom ID (desc)
      • PlayerID 1
      • PlayerID 2
      • PlayerID 3
      • PlayerID 4
      • PlayerID 5
      • PlayerID 6
      • PlayerID 7
      • PlayerID 8
      • PlayerID 9
      • PlayerID 10
      • PlayerID 11
      • PlayerID 12
      • PlayerID 13
      • PlayerID 14
      • PlayerID 15
    • Reveal Ovr & Pot (desc)
    • Send scout to any country (desc)
      • Nationality
    • Allow multiple scouts in the same country (desc)
    • Free Missions (desc)
    • 15 Players Per Report (desc)
    • Attribute Modifier Range (desc)
      • Primary range low
      • Primary range high
      • Secondary range low
      • Secondary range high
    • Potential Range (desc)
      • Low
      • High
    • Age Range
      • Low
      • High
    • 100% chance for 5 weak foot (desc)*
    • 100% chance for 5 skill moves (desc)*
    • Min Age for Promotion
  • Global Transfer Network
    • Reveal player data (scouting players not needed) (desc)
  • Match Settings
    • Change Stadium (desc)
      • StadiumID
    • Half Length (desc)
      • Half Length
    • Time Of Day (desc)
      • Time Of Day
    • Weather (desc)
      • Weather
  • Sim Match Settings (desc)
    • Max Cards
    • Perc Chance
    • Perc Drop
    • Chance Of Red
    • Chance Of Two Reds
    • Max Injures
    • Don't lose stamina (desc)
    • Base Fatigue
  • Transfer HUB
    • Change Release Clause value to 1 (desc)
    • Allow Transfer approach (desc)
    • Allow Loan approach (desc)
  • Player Contract
    • Contract Negotiation (desc)
      • Wage
      • Contract Length
      • Release Clause
      • Squad Role
      • Signing Bonus
      • Bonus Type
      • Bonus Type - Count
      • Bonus Type - Sum
    • Disable negotiation status checks (desc)
  • Side Changer (desc)
    • CPU vs CPU (desc)
    • Control Home Team (desc)
    • Control Away Team (desc)
    • Controller ID
  • Gameplay (desc)
    • Match Timer (desc)
      • End current half (desc)
      • Freeze timer (desc)
      • Reset timer (desc)
      • TIME
    • Unlimited Substitutions (USER) (desc)
    • Home Team
      • Home - Disable Substitutions (CPU) (desc)
      • Home - Injured players (desc)
      • Home - 5 stars skill moves (desc)
      • Home - NeverTired players (desc)
      • Home - Tired players (desc)
      • Home - Goals scored
    • Away Team
      • Away - Disable Substitutions (CPU) (desc)
      • Away - Injured players (desc)
      • Away - 5 stars skill moves (desc)
      • Away - NeverTired players (desc)
      • Away - Tired players (desc)
      • Away - Goals scored
    • Never Tired Player IDs
      • PlayerID 1
      • PlayerID 2
      • PlayerID 3
      • PlayerID 4
      • PlayerID 5
      • PlayerID 6
      • PlayerID 7
      • PlayerID 8
      • PlayerID 9
      • PlayerID 10
      • PlayerID 11
      • PlayerID 12
      • PlayerID 13
      • PlayerID 14
      • PlayerID 15
      • PlayerID 16
      • PlayerID 17
      • PlayerID 18
      • PlayerID 19
      • PlayerID 20
      • PlayerID 21
      • PlayerID 22
      • PlayerID 23
      • PlayerID 24
      • PlayerID 25
      • PlayerID 26
      • PlayerID 27
      • PlayerID 28
      • PlayerID 29
      • PlayerID 30
      • PlayerID 31
      • PlayerID 32
      • PlayerID 33
      • PlayerID 34
      • PlayerID 35
  • Free & Unlimited Releasing Players (desc)
  • Other
    • Freeze Lineup (desc)
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