A simple 2D platformer that has some levels to play with. Our metal protagonist is able to walljump in order to reach the goal.
- Four levels.
- Player is able to wall jump.
- Player is able to double jump.
- Two types of enemy, Flying and Ground. They follow the player. Careful! Ground enemies can jump!
- Settings where you can adjust VSYNC, Fullscreen, BGM volume and SFX volume.
- Checkpoints that save your progress!
- ESC: Exit the game
- AD: Movement controls.
- Space-Bar: Jump. Walljump.
- (Debug enabled) WASD: God mode movement
- (Debug enabled) Arrows: Free camera movement
- Use your mouse instead!
- LMB: Select the selected option
Remember to enable debug mode (F4) to access the keys.
F1: Go back a level
F2: Advance level
F3: Start from the beginning of the current level
F4: Enable/Disable debug mode
F5: Save the current game state
F6: Load the previous state (even across levels)
F7: To move from different checkpoints
F8: To show GUI debug (bounds, states)
F9: View colliders / logic / paths
F10: God Mode (fly around, cannot be killed)
F11: Enable/Disable FPS cap frcap (config)
I: Insta-win
O: Insta-lose
M: Show preference map
C: To move CAMERA freely (Use arrow-keys)
V: To show game variables
- Jonathan Cacay - xGauss05
- Ethan Martín - Ethanm-0371
This project is licensed under an unmodified MIT license, which is an OSI-certified license that allows static linking with closed source software. Check LICENSE for further details.