CagateiSoldi is a Telegram bot to manage Netflix's shared account with your friends and family. In english 'cagate i soldi' is something like 'give me your money'.
- Easy: Add the bot to your Netflix's Telegram group, let your friends join the bot's list, set the day the subscription is renewed and you're done.
- Reminders: Every month, on the day your Netflix subscription is renewed, the bot send a notification in your group with the list of people who have to give you money. They could mark themselves as payed, but you, the admin, have to confirm the payment.
- Free and Open source: I really believe in an open source world.
$ virtualenv -p python3 venv # optional
$ source venv/bin/activate # optional
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Obviously replace YOUR_TOKEN with bot's token given by BotFather.
$ python3
$ python3
- Notify a member when his payment is confimed by the admin;
- Add screenshots to this readme;
- Store email/password and send with a command;
- Set a command to list old/current payments list(s);
- Notify the admin if the bot is removed from a group;
- Send a bunch of other messages if someone's money is missing;
It's still in beta and can stop working/losing data without warning, but you can give a try: