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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 24, 2022. It is now read-only.


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I would like:

  • You to keep reporting issues or request some changes
  • That everyone remains cool about what i do

Opore Mod

  • A Thank you note Adds multiple vaults, drills, duos, spectres, walls, forges, extractors, conveyors, liquids, mech units, mech pads. This is actually my first mod, hope you like it because i had alot of issues while making this. NOTE: Update 30+: Some items will be broken because they cannot be done any other way


  • Coding - amione#0663, SimonWoodburyForget

  • Map making - amione#0663, Félix Córvus#3546, Pusheen#3121

  • Descriptions and names - amione#0663, LordPotaynut

  • Sprites - anuke, amione#0663, MemFaceGo

  • Report bugs on steam -

  • Report bugs (or request features) on github -

  • Helped in making of mod on discord - simon#8156, Violet#5020, Nope.avi#4037, HNU Founder.lua#5046

  • People that reported bugs in early builds on discord - wewemaster#8854, omegaDM#0155, Mwister Cinnabar owo#2702

  • People that reported bugs in early builds on steam - Tibault, 月之殇, the_red_soul, LordPotaynut, Dockedreaper61

  • I have uploaded this to the steam workshop and i can indeed update it when i please,

  • I will be updating here but its kind of delayed,

  • If you have the steam version check because you get automatic updates whenever i update the mod, also its easier for me and its faster too. Conveyors Liquids and Ores (also sand) Turrets Conduits Forges Batteries and Reactors Pads and Unit factories Walls Drills & Extractors Vaults and a launch pad Opore Mech Holy Mech Void Mech Impending Doom


Known Issues

All of the known issues are listed on steam


Email me at Report in the Issues tab on github or if you have steam report here