This application is provided without guarantee or warranty. This is an ALPHA prototype of an ARC-72 NFT Indexer for AVM based networks based on the ARC-74 specification found here:
- Block follower to extract token information and transfers from the blockchain and write the applicable data to a SQLite3 database
- API front end to accept and respond to requests
- API Documentation using SwaggerUI
Production services below are deployed for the VoiNet network. This includes a block follower and indexer API.
API Endpoints:
- Token Endpoint:
- Transfers Endpoint:
Additional Links:
- API Documentation (Swagger) -
- ARC72 NFT Stats (for testing) -
NOTE: SQLite3 is required to initialize the database. To install SQLite3 with APT package manager:
sudo apt-get install sqlite3
To initialize the database in the db
npm run init-db
To operate the block-follower and populate the SQLite database:
npm i
npm run backend
To launch the API web service:
npm i
npm run api
The API server will launch by default on port 3000, i.e. http://localhost:3000. To use an alternate port for the API server, pass the -p argument, such as:
npm run api -- -p 5101
or use the environment variable API_SERVER_PORT, i.e.
API_SERVER_PORT=5101 npm run api
docker-compose -f docker-compose-backend.yml up -d
docker-compose -f docker-compose-api.yml up -d
By default the indexer utilizes the public Voi Indexer and Algod endpoints. This can be modified using the following environment variables:
- AVM Node access TokenINDEXER_HOST
- AVM Indexer Token
These environment variables may be added to the Backend container compose file (docker-compose-backend.yml) to scrape data from an alternative indexer and node, or can be pointed to a different chain altogether.
NOTE: If changing the chain, make sure to delete or rename /db/db.sqlite
and re-initialize the database!
- Replace database backend (PostreSQL?)
- Improve API server logging
- Use a follower node instead of the public node
- ARC-72 Specification -
- ARC-74 Indexer Specification -