title | author | date | output | ||||
Reproducible Research: Peer Assessment 1 |
Xavier Musy |
Novermber 16, 2014 |
## unzip file if we need to
fileName <- "activity.csv"
if (!file.exists(fileName)){
message("unzipping data...")
## read data
activity <- read.csv(fileName)
## explore data
## steps date interval
## 1 NA 2012-10-01 0
## 2 NA 2012-10-01 5
## 3 NA 2012-10-01 10
## 4 NA 2012-10-01 15
## 5 NA 2012-10-01 20
## 6 NA 2012-10-01 25
## lots of NA steps, so let's see where there's data
head( activity[ which(activity$steps > 0,),] )
## steps date interval
## 555 117 2012-10-02 2210
## 556 9 2012-10-02 2215
## 627 4 2012-10-03 410
## 631 36 2012-10-03 430
## 644 25 2012-10-03 535
## 647 90 2012-10-03 550
sumDaySteps <- aggregate(steps ~ date, data=activity, FUN=sum, na.rm=TRUE)
hist(sumDaySteps$steps, xlab="Steps", ylab="Frequency (days)", main="Steps per day histogram", breaks=25)
abline(v=mean(sumDaySteps$steps, na.rm=T), col = "blue", lwd = 2, lty="dashed")
Mean number of steps per day:
## [1] 10766
Median number of steps per day:
## [1] 10765
meanPerInterval = aggregate(steps ~ interval, activity, mean, rm=TRUE)
plot(meanPerInterval, type="l", main="Average number of steps per 5-min interval")
Accross all days, the interval with the maximum number of steps is:
meanPerInterval[which(meanPerInterval$steps == max(meanPerInterval$steps)), "interval"]
## [1] 835
Number of rows with missing values:
## [1] 2304
As an imputing data strategy, we impute NA steps by replacing these with the mean number of steps for that interval. We impute the data in a seperate data set.
names(meanPerInterval)[names(meanPerInterval)=="steps"] <- "mean.steps" # rename steps before merging in
imputedActivity <- merge(x=activity, y=meanPerInterval, by="interval", all.x=TRUE) # merge mean into activity set
imputedActivity <- arrange(imputedActivity,date, interval) # sort back to what it was, by date, by interval
imputedIndex <- which(is.na(imputedActivity$steps)) # find rows of NA steps
imputedActivity[imputedIndex, "steps"] <- round(imputedActivity[imputedIndex, "mean.steps"]) # impute data
We plot imputed data:
sumDayStepsImputed <- aggregate(steps ~ date, data=imputedActivity, FUN=sum)
hist(sumDayStepsImputed$steps, xlab="Steps", ylab="Frequency (days)", main="Imputed steps per day histogram", breaks=25)
abline(v=mean(sumDayStepsImputed$steps), col = "blue", lwd = 2, lty="dashed")
Mean number of steps per day:
## [1] 10766
Median number of steps per day:
## [1] 10762
For imputed data, the mean number of steps remained the same, but the median changed slightly.
Let's mark which data is weekday or weekend
activity$isweekday <- as.factor(ifelse(isWeekday(activity$date), "weekday", "weekend"))
We observe that weekends have an increase in steps per 5-minute interval throughout the day, albeit starting a little later in the day than on weekdays. While weekdays have a higher number of steps as a single peak in the day.
meanPerIntervalWeekend = aggregate(steps ~ interval, activity[activity$isweekday == "weekend",], mean)
plot(meanPerIntervalWeekend, type="l", main="Average number of steps per 5-min interval on weekends")
abline(h=mean(meanPerIntervalWeekend$steps), col = "blue", lwd = 2, lty="dashed")
meanPerIntervalWeekday = aggregate(steps ~ interval, activity[activity$isweekday == "weekday",], mean)
plot(meanPerIntervalWeekday, type="l", main="Average number of steps per 5-min interval on weekdays")
abline(h=mean(meanPerIntervalWeekday$steps), col = "blue", lwd = 2, lty="dashed")