The final presentation is available here
- Use regression techniques to uncover what makes local housing (Alojamento Local) locations be valued by customers and entrepreneurs so that the municipality can better understand how to approach the overflow of local housing problem and how to influence its evolution overtime
- Detect local housing establishments on that are not listed in the official municipality dataset, a helping hand in finding illegal establishments
- Implement interaction with Porto's APIs - 01_api_interaction.ipynb
- These functions (and some more) have been extracted into an importable file - and there are tests and use cases available in some_tests.ipynb and the complete listing of datasets and sub-datasets available in the APIs is available at sub_datasets.ipynb
- Some useful functions to inspect and handle geographical data have also been implemented - geographical_functions.ipynb they have also been isolated to the file
- Merge the local housing dataset with the data scrapped from - 02_dataset_building.ipynb
- The 'scraping' of booking (with no financial goal) has been implemented in and some helper functions for this are present in booking_parsing.ipynb
- Feature engineering from more geographical datasets into the main local housing dataset (green spaces, access to metro, bus, ...) - 03_feature_engineering.ipynb
- Merge the feature engineering dataset with the local housing dataset - 04_merge_with_features.ipynb
- Analysis of the built datasets, clustering, regression
A script to download all the datasets is available in download_all.ipynb and the remaining data is available on the datasets/ folder.
The temporary datasets that were built and used during the competition are available in the generated_datasets/ folder (Initially they were in the root folder and the notebooks still expect that).