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Xavier Gouchet edited this page Dec 14, 2019 · 2 revisions

class ForgeRule : Forge, MethodRule

A JUnit rule to keep your test class clean and automate the creation of fake data.

It provides a Forge with the seed reset on each test, and will inject forgery on fields/properties annotated with Forgery.

In case of failure, the seed of the Forge is printed to the System.err output stream, allowing you to reproduce consistently failing tests.


ruleSeed - the seed to reset the Forge for each test



ForgeRule(ruleSeed: Long = 0L)

A JUnit rule to keep your test class clean and automate the creation of fake data.

It provides a Forge with the seed reset on each test, and will inject forgery on fields/properties annotated with Forgery.

In case of failure, the seed of the Forge is printed to the System.err output stream, allowing you to reproduce consistently failing tests.


ruleSeed - the seed to reset the Forge for each test



fun apply(base: Statement, method: FrameworkMethod, target: Any): Statement



fun <reified T : Any> withFactory(forgeryFactory: ForgeryFactory<T>): ForgeRule

Adds a factory to the forge. This is the best way to extend a forge and provides means to create custom forgeries.


T - the type the ForgeryFactory will be able to forge

forgeryFactory - the factory to be used

Return the same ForgeRule instance, perfect to chain calls

fun <T : Any> withFactory(clazz: Class<T>, forgeryFactory: ForgeryFactory<T>): ForgeRule

Adds a factory to the forge. This is the best way to extend a forge and provides means to create custom forgeries.


T - the type the ForgeryFactory will be able to forge

clazz - the class of type T

forgeryFactory - the factory to be used

Return the same ForgeRule instance, perfect to chain calls