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Xavier Gouchet edited this page Sep 3, 2020 · 4 revisions

The junit5 module provides integration with the JUnit5 Test Framework (aka Jupiter).


When writing a JUnit5 test, you can add a ForgeExtension to your test class to benefit from the library.

class FooTest {


Parameter Injection

The main feature of the extension is the possibility to inject parameters in your test methods:

class FooTest {

    fun `test with random int`(@IntForgery(min = 13, max = 42) i: Int) {

    fun `test with random int`(@Forgery foo: Foo) {

You can inject :

Property / Field injection

Using the any of the annotation mentionned above on a lateinit var property (or a non final Java field), you can have that property/field injected for each test methods automatically. This is usefull when you need a random input of the same type on all your test functions.

class FooTest {

    lateinit var fakeFoo: Foo

    lateinit var fakeIntList: List<Int>

    lateinit var fakeStringSet: Set<String>

        key = AdvancedForgery(string = [StringForgery(StringForgeryType.HEXADECIMAL)])
    lateinit var fakeFooMap: Map<String, Foo>


Reproducible tests

Whenever a test fails, or just to reproduce the same test exactly, you can use the @ForgeConfiguration annotation on your test class and set the seed. In case of a test failure, the seed that was used for the failing test will be printed in the error stream.

@ForgeConfiguration(seed = 0xdeadL)
class FooTest {


Custom Factories

Chances are, you'll need to forge more than primitives or Strings. To do so you'll need to use Factories. A simple way to provide that to the extension is to use the @ForgeConfiguration on your test class and set a custom configurator class as the value.

class FooTest {



class MyConfigurator : ForgeConfigurator {
    override fun configure(forge: Forge) {
        forge.addFactory(, FooFactory())
        forge.addFactory(, BarFactory())
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