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Xavier Gouchet edited this page Aug 24, 2020 · 1 revision

The spek module provides integration with the Spek Test Framework.


When writing a Spek test, you can create a root Forge instance, that will allow you to forge random test inputs.

class FooSpek : Spek({

    val forge = spekForge()



Reproducible tests

Whenever a test fails, or just to reproduce the same test exactly, you can use the spekForge's seeds parameter. Seeds will be assigned based on the qualified name of a test or group.

class FooSpek : Spek({

    val forge = spekForge(
        seeds = mapOf(
            "FooSpek/Foo feature/bar/baz" to 0x1337L

    describe("Foo feature") {
        describe("bar") {
            it("baz") {
                val i = forge.anInt()


Custom Factories

Chances are, you'll need to forge more than primitives or Strings. To do so you'll need to use Factories. A simple way to provide that to the extension is to use the spekForge's seeds parameter with a custom configurator instance.

class FooSpek : Spek({

    val forge = spekForge(
        configurator = MyConfigurator()



class MyConfigurator : ForgeConfigurator {
    override fun configure(forge: Forge) {
        forge.addFactory(, FooFactory())
        forge.addFactory(, BarFactory())