A tool designed to assist in the selection of regions of the sky for astronomical studies. Allows users to easily select regions of the sky using the HEALPix pixelization scheme and interactive visualization powered by d3.js
Selecting sky regions using the
Interactive visualization of the sky using
Support for both celestial coordinates (RA/Dec) and Galactic coordinates Output of selection in both HEALPix pixel indices and sky coordinates (RA/Dec or Galactic)
- healpy
- d3.js
Visit jupyter notebook spatial_selection.ipynb for demonstration of the selection of
- polygon
- disc
- ring
- ellipse
- Galactic avoidence region
- Ecliptic region
- irregular shapes
To select the HEALPix ID visit interactive skymap.
Healpixel-based selection of sky areas: convex, concave, and hollow regions can be selected on multiple spatial projections
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