This project is inspired by the Andrew Ng's Deep Learning course on Coursera.
The objective of this project is to implement a Neural Network for binary classification from scratch. NumPy was used for vectorization and matrix manipulations.
The project is built in Python 3.10.2 with NumPy.
from src.layers import Dense, Sigmoid
from src.main import NeuralNetwork
Let's look at the Dense layer:
dense_layer = Dense(input_shape=4, output_shape=16)
The input shape represents the number of features (
In the Sigmoid layer we pass only the input_shape
, because the sigmoid output shape is always 1.
sigmoid_layer = Sigmoid(input_shape=16)
The sigmoid layer is always the last layer in the model.
Now we can create a model with sequential layers
model = NeuralNetwork([
Dense(4, 16),
Dense(16, 16),
Look that the output shape of any layer is the same as the input shape of the next layer.
The model can be trained with the
method, y_train, epochs=100, learning_rate=0.01, print_step=10)
We can predict after the training using the NeuralNetwork.predict()
prediction = model.predict(x_test)
The model can be evaluated with the NeuralNetwork.evaluate()
accuracy = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test)
This method returns the accuracy (in the range [0, 1]) on the test set.
Two simple models were created for binary classification on the Bank Note Authentication dataset and the Iris dataset. Check the Notebooks on the root of this project.