A Discourse plugin to add an additional cookie token at the second-level domain, for site/s wanting to do cross-site credential management.
This essentially allows an install at forums.example.com to create a cookie token valid at *.example.com
The cookie contains basic information about a user and a hmac
Cookie content is encode in base64. After decode64 you will have :
"sha256_d": "lROIoUjQVMv1vMThVCMbhS1YehFE4S3aMVKN9Rg2Z7M=",
The hmac is set with the secret key set in the admin panel
In your webiste at location www.domain.com or *.domain.com follow this step :
- get the cookie
- urldecode the cookie
- decode the cookie in base64 :
- urldecode the cookie
- set a sha256 of the data
- compare the sha256 to check if user is connected :
if hmac === hmac(sha256, key, data):
print 'user if logged'
print 'user not logged'
$cookie = urldecode($_COOKIE["logged_in"]);
$cookie = base64_decode($cookie);
$cookie = urldecode($cookie);
$user_infos = json_decode($cookie);
$array_hash = array(
'username' => $user_infos->username,
'user_id' => $user_infos->user_id,
'avatar' => $user_infos->avatar,
'group' => $user_infos->group
$hash_test = hash('sha256', json_encode($array_hash, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES));
$test = hash_hmac('sha256',$hash_test,'QALS3FtxwKNj39tb');
if ($test !== $user_infos->hmac) {
return 'user not logged';
const crypto = require('crypto');
// Get the value of the `logged_in` cookie from where ever makes sense
// in your application. The browser should send it to your backend.
// For this example, it is hard-coded.
const valueOfLoggedInCookie =
const uriDecodedPayload = decodeURIComponent(valueOfLoggedInCookie);
const base64DecodedBuffer = Buffer.from(uriDecodedPayload, 'base64');
const preJsonPayload = JSON.parse(base64DecodedBuffer.toString());
const jsonPayload = {
username: preJsonPayload.username,
user_id: preJsonPayload.user_id,
avatar: preJsonPayload.avatar,
group: preJsonPayload.group,
const payloadSha = crypto
const signed = crypto
.createHmac('sha256', 'QALS3FtxwKNj39tb')
if (signed === preJsonPayload.hmac) {
console.log('User is logged in');
} else {
console.log('User is not logged in');